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Jesus takes off leaving the protest and Brandon and Emma drive around the neighborhood searching for him to no avail. Brandon agrees with Emma when she says maybe she shouldn't have taken Brandon with her. Ana stops by the garage to visit Gabe. Gabe considers moving out and maybe taking the job away because Jesus is mad at him and he doesnt know how to be a father. The two talk about their roles in the twins lives and how there is no handbook to help with these things. They see Jesus return and hear him tearing up Brandon's room. Gabe stops Jesus and holds him. Jesus tells Gabe and Ana that Emma had an abortion and that the baby was Brandon's. Brandon and Emma come home and are able to calm Jesus down and tell him the truth. Jesus apologizes, but Brandon discovers that his room is destroyed and isn't speaking to Jesus. Callie and diamond work together to send a message to Stef using another girl's phone. Diamond takes a picture in front of a paper with the motel address and sends it to Stef. Stef tracks Callie's phone around town. She goes to a convenience store and a laundry mat. She taps on the trunks to make sure Callie isn't in then. She ends up pulling over the guy who was apart of the drop off. Russell's man contacts his enemy and arranged for him to come after Russell. When Russell threatens Callie, Diamond uses his gun against him. Diamond and Callie use the distraction of Russell's enemy coming to leave the motel and the cops meet them in the parking lot. Stef too. Russell is arrested, Diamond goes to a new home. Stef tells Callie about Troy and has a brutally honest talk about Callie getting her life together. The protest turns violent when Craig shoves Mariana trying to leave and Jude pushes him back to defend his sister. Jude is pepper sprayed. Monte reveals that since she hasn't officially resigned yet, drew isn't principal, so his vote is invalid. Mariana tweets about it
The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Hell no, we won't go! Private school is a no!

Crowd [chanting]

I'm going to be so good to you, baby.
