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ICE stakes out the church and refuses to leave. They hope that Stef will go in and talk to the kids. They suggest that they will get a warrant for AJ and Callie for helping Ximena. Stef finds out that Ximenas DACA papers haven't been renewed. Mike and Stef stay outside the church overnight to make sure nothing bad happens. Pastor Nicole gets the teens settled in. She and ximena have a discussion about God. Lena and Jude track down Poppy and Jesus and Mariana in their limo. Lena takes Poppy home but ICE has already taken her parents and are threatening to take her until she shows off her papers. They decide to take her to social services instead. Lena tells them that she's a foster parent and can take her. Stef tells them that ximena wasn't under arrest and the she let her go from her custody ximena didn't escape. Ximenas lawyer tells her that the best way to handle them is with public outcry. Callie posts what they're going through on Facebook and the next day protesters come out to support. The Feds decide it's too much of a public spectacle to bother trying to arrest Callie and AJ . Callie doesn't want to leave Ximena at the church alone, but stef and Lena remind her of the promise she made. AJ tells Callie he misses her but she shuts him down. When she reunites with Aaron they talk and agree to start over as friends. Jude worries about Callie and he and Noah exchange I love yous. Mariana tells Emma about the message from Nick after finding out Lena is considering leaving the school. The Fosters take in Poppy. When Grace gets sick, Brandon calls her mom. Grace is upset that he knows the truth. A doctor offers the chance to try to gene therapy. Brandon and grace's mom butt heads over the best treatment for her.
The Fosters
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