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Eleanor and the gang realize they're in the Good Place mailroom. Michael tells the worker that they're there because they won a contest. 

They discover that the actual Good Place is actually trillions of miles away. 

Jason goes to Tahani for advice about his feelings for Janet. Jason tried to talk to Janet about it but she keeps shutting the conversation down. 

Chidi and Eleanor decide to make the best of their time and go on a date. After Chidi surprises her in a costume, Eleanor breaks down over how much she loves Chidi and he comforts her. 

Michael calls the Good Place committee and sets up a meeting. He explains why he thinks the accounting office has been infiltrated by the Bad Place. They decide to form a team but tell Michael it will take over a thousand years to investigate. 

Tahani helps Michael realize what the real problem is. The world keeps getting more complicated and being a good person keeps getting harder. Therefore, the Bad Place doesn't even have to tamper with the system.

Michael calls the judge and they all leave through a portal to meet her at IHOP. It is the interdimensional hole in the universe and considered an extremely dangerous place. 

The Good Place
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The Good Place Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

This is how I always got out of Escape Rooms! If you break enough stuff they throw you out!


Tahani: Why are you crying?
Jason: I just like being a part of things.