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Eli tells Alicia that he erased Will Gardner’s voicemail message to her where he admitted he loved her and would give up everything to be with her. Alicia tells him to get out. When he doesn’t she takes out the dishes and begins throwing them at him until he does. Then she attempts to go and pack for Iowa and breaks down.

Jason knocks on her door. He came to tell her that Howard Lyman secreted away $2.5 millions dollars. Peter asked him to look into it before Howard marries Jackie. Jason knows something is off with Alicia but she insists she’s just in a hurry to get ready to head to the Iowa caucus tomorrow so Jason leaves. 

On the Florrick bus, when Peter asks for Alicia’s opinion, she backs Ruth’s play about hitting every county in the state by 5pm and shuts out Eli but Ruth’s first stop is far from a success. Just when they begin to get better a reporter on the bus gets footage of Alicia telling Eli that being on a bus in the middle of Iowa is a nightmare. Alicia goes on camera and backpedals, saying it’s only a nightmare because her daughter is ill and she wishes she were home to take care of her. 

They make it to the final stop and everything looks like a success until Peter spits out his loose meat sandwich. When they get to the caucus floor the next day, Peter has no supporters in his corner. They need 29 supporters in 30 minutes and they get them but in the end it doesn’t matter. Peter comes in a distant fourth in Iowa. 

Lucca represents Jackie and David Lee represents Howard as they construct their prenuptial agreement. Howard appears to have no idea that Relic Holdings,  shell corporation is holding over $2 million in his name. Turns out that David Lee hid the money there when he was trying to hide it from Alicia so she wouldn’t use it as part of her exit package.  When David tries to get Howard to return the money, Howard wants half of it for himself.

When Howard tries to say he didn’t know about the money, Jackie decides she needs his power of attorney in the prenup in order to protect him. Later, Jackie finds out that Howard isn’t senile and that David Lee really did move the money. She decides they really don’t need a prenup after all. 

Ms. Creach from the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Agency. She’s at Lockhart, Agos, & Lee investigating discriminatory hiring practices. The complaint is confidential. Cary thinks Louis Canning is coming at to them through this but Diane doesn’t think that’s it. Turns out Monica filed the complaint but then withdrew it after she was hired but the investigation goes on. 

Diane decides that someone from the firm needs to apologize for their behavior and that it should be Cary but when put int he position, Cary puts the spotlight back on Howard and says the firm is offering Howard emeritius status so that he has less voting rights and less interaction with associates. The investigator likes this option. 

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The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

Cary: You committed fraud.
David Lee: No, I committed selective depositing.

When you realize you don't know what life's about, that's truth.
