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Tonight's episode opens with Raquel being searched, showered, fingerprinted, and jailed for the entire evening.  When she does get her phone call, she uses it to call Connor, who brings Jennifer to pick Raquel up from jail.  As Raquel berates Connor for bringing her, Jennifer forces Raquel to thank him for showing up at all.  Jennifer continues to be supportive of Connor, as Raquel continues to try and get in touch with him.  He ignores her calls, she insults him, and he ends up resorting to burning himself as he's done in the past.  Raquel also seeming to hit rock bottom, when her agent drops by with an opportunity to be in a Celebrity Rehab-esque show.  She ends up taking it.

Meanwhile, Beth takes Simon to a lengthy audition, strikes up a conversation with a married man, and ends up sleeping with him.  She makes it back to Simon's audition, hears he had a great day, and finds out he landed a small role on a television series. 

Kal invites his dad to live with him, but Rook has major trust issues with Kal's dad and after kicking all the unwanted guests out of the house, questions Kal's motives for inviting his dad back into his life.  Kal goes back to the Mission with his father and nearly confesses he's gay, but stays silent.  His father introduces him to a woman.

Abby is stuck in the middle of Brandon and Laura's relationship and continues to sleep with both of them, while only really liking Brandon.  When Abby tells Brandon she has feelings for him, he returns these feelings, but things get more complicated when Laura tells Abby she has strong feelings for her.

Nick makes a sacrifice for Sabrina by leaving the brothel where he could get a leg up on the competition for their job.  Sabrina and Nick ended the episode still in competition, but ready to jump back into a relationship with each other.

The L.A. Complex
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The L.A. Complex Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Connor: Are you okay?
Raquel: How could I not be? Squatting and coughing, I'm living the dream!

Normally I'd never do this, but they're kind of a package deal.
