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A plane has been located in Tel Aviv, to meet the Nathan James at Tregua Island to take Sasha and the seeds to the U.S. Slattery is back on his feet and in charge, despite Tom returning to active duty. The mission is still to find and capture Vellek. After verbal jousting, Harry agrees to steal the seeds as long as Fletcher gets him the gear to escape. Tom suggests to Slattery using the coming storm to cover the ship's radar signature. Fletcher places a call to Lucia to let her know the drop-off point for the seeds. Fletcher stashes diving gear for Harry's escape. Three Greek ships appear on radar. Tom figures out that a probable nearby hiding place is an ambush. Fletcher tells Harry that the theft of the seeds must take place in an hour. Slattery and Tom agree to charge at the enemy ships, betting the James won't get shot it as long as the seeds are on board, then lose the Greek ships in the storm. Lucia wants to shoot but can't bring herself to do so. She orders that the two other Greek ships pursue the James into the storm. Harry fakes a heart attack to get taken to sickbay. The James loses both ships in the storm. Harry kills Heggen and steals the seeds. Communications Officer Rain figures out that Fletcher called the Greek command ship. Johnny, a security man, catches Fletcher, but Fletcher kills him. Harry stabs O'Connor on deck, then Tom shoots Harry, who staggers away, but O'Connor dies anyway. Harry dies, so Fletcher has to take the seeds. Sasha can't bring herself to shoot him, and he escapes overboard. Fletcher, with the seeds, gets picked up by Giorgio's ship. Tom suggests the Brits made a deal with Vellek. 

The Last Ship
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The Last Ship Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Slattery: And a special thanks to Commander Fletcher for his role in helping to secure the seeds. Our nation owes you a great debt.
Fletcher: The feeling is mutual.

Greek admiral: You ask for our support, Greece gives you our confidence. You ask for fighters, we give you a warship. What, Dr. Vellek, what do you ask of my country now?
Vellek: More, Dimitrios. I'm asking your country for more.