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Vampires descend on New Orleans for the fifth anniversary of the fall of the Mikaelsons. Marcel gets word that the witches are up to something. 

He turns to Vincent, who says that nothing is happening and tells Marcel to keep the vampires out and all will be fine. 

Marcel goes to visit Klaus to have a chat. 

Hayley meets Mary, who says that there is only one more wolf pack she needs to find, so gives her a lead. She does tell her to approach with caution. 

Marcel asks Klaus about Alistair. At a party, Alistair says he will bring all of his men to New Orleans if he isn't allow to kill Klaus. 

Hayley catches up with the werewolf, but Alistair's men find them and Hayley knocks the werewolf out and takes her on the run. 

Hayley extracts her venom and wakes Freya up, but Alistair's men catch up with them. Hayley uses her werewolf mode to kill them all, but Freya brings Elijah back to save the day. 

Marcel hosts an event and takes Alistair to Klaus, but Klaus overpowers him, killing him. Marcel then tells the other vampires that he is the boss of New Orleans and everyone can leave if they don't like that. 

All of the siblings awaken and Freya tells the werewolf she is not leaving in case she needs her blood again. 

Klaus bickers with Marcel, so he daggers him. 

Maxine goes to Vincent and tells him there's something wrong with Adam. 

Adam walks into a mysterious light, next to one of the new symbols. 

Mary goes to see Hope, who says she had a bad dream and notices that Hope has drawn all of the symbols. 

The Originals
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The Originals Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Josh: Your Royal highness, and to what do I owe this great honor?
Marcel: Take it down a notch.

For a long time, we've managed to keep our monsters buried and we've got to make sure they stay buried. Otherwise, we will lose everything we've built. We will lose it forever.
