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Will arrives at the destination with the kids and hands them over. 

The Mikaelsons arrive in New Orleans and Vincent helps Hope. However, pigeons fall out of the sky around her and she speaks an ancient dialect. 

Vincent says he will help, but it will be tough. Vincent gets annoyed when Elijah wants to help out and says he does not care about children. 

Hayley turns to the witches for help and asks them if they know anything. One of them confirms a werewolf named Lara put the sign in blood on her window before disappearing to the Bayou. 

Marcel and Hayley track her down. Lara says the kids are as good as dead. She says everyone joined The Hollow because of Marcel's grip on the city. 

She killed herself before much more details were revealed. 

Vincent turns on Will to get the truth, but Will tries to shoot him. Elijah shows up, deflecting the bullet from Vincent. 

Keelin and Freya break into Marcel's home, looking for the werewolf venom. They find a safe. Keelin urges Freya to leave her to deal with it and she would meet up with her. 

Vincent attacked Will with magic, allowing him to track him.

When they caught up with the villain, Vincent had Hayley stake Elijah to set the kids free. The plan worked, but Hayley told Elijah they need to do better and stop putting the Mikaelsons before others. 

Marcel and Vincent drink, before Vincent claims the Hollow could already have got to him. This was confirmed when Marcel walked over to a mirror and was consumed by the power. 

Hope realized that Klaus, too was consumed. 

The Originals
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The Originals Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Keelin: This is a cure. It's everything I've ever wanted. What's the catch.
Freya: No catch. Insurance.
Keelin: More like a leash. A spell that I can't take off.
Freya: It's like I said. Insurance. Provided you help me.

Klaus: Thank you.
Vincent: Look, the only gratitude I need from you is that all of you leave the city.