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The ladies join Andy Cohen on the sofas for the reunion show.

Dina says she would never do a show with family again. She loves Caroline but she won't get into their issues on the show and the show played a role in their feud which is why she left. Dina invited Caroline and Jacqueline and their families to Lexi's graduation party. They didn't come. Dina and Lexi weren't invited to Lauren's engagement party.  Dina still hasn't filed the divorce papers and she and her husband still live together. 

Melissa and Teresa say they are good now. The sale of Melissa and Joe's original house fell through and now they own one house while building another and renting a third.

Jim attacked the ladies on social media. Amber says the twins' kids said awful things as well. None of the ladies have a nice thing to say about Jim Marchese.

Kathy and Rosie join the sofa. Teresa walks off the set after a clip of her aunt saying that when you don't do the right thing you end up paying for it. 

Rosie and Ellen were together a year when they broke up. Ellen bashed her on social media. 

Kathy's daughter had a recurrence of her brain tumor but Kathy says she's doing great. 

Jacqueline doesn't show up for the reunion. Dina says she doesn't want a relationship with Jacqueline. She doesn't want the chaos. Chris, her brother, reached out with a text when she got separated and they planned to meet but something happened and that meeting never happened. 


The Real Housewives of New Jersey
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

Andy: You talk about how zen and you are and spiritual but I feel like you will cut a bitch.
Dina: Yeah, I won't cut her, I will cut her off.

Andy: You've got to get your pipes cleaned, Dina.
Dina: Maybe I am, just from a plumber that I know.