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Andy Cohen continues to question the ladies about the season when the husbands and boyfriends join them.

Teresa Giudice says she's a different person than when she began on the show. She no longer lets the petty stuff get to her. 

Joe Giudice's father died from an unexpected heart attack. They were the best of friends. Teresa says Joe's not the same since his father's death. 

Many of Teresa's businesses are not profitable. She also says she didn't understand what she was agreeing to when she accepted the plea deal. 

Teresa Aprea says cheating was never an issue while she and Rino were married. He dated strippers while they were divorced. 

Nicole is still living with her parents. Her sister thinks it's past time for her to move out. 

Andy calls Jim out on him not being a lawyer. He never passed the bar until this last year. He works at a mortgage company. Jim says he makes much more money doing what he does. 

Amber accuses Bobby of only dating Nicole to be on the show. Jim calls him a fame whore and pulls out photos of Bobby posing with the other housewives. They even accuse him of setting up the fight between Amber and the twins during the beginning of the season. 

Jim tells Andy that he treats women like equals and talks to them the same way he would a man.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey
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