Considering the Future - The Rookie: Feds
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A man gets murdered even after he pleads with the killer. He's shot in the head.
Carter goes to see his nurse girlfriend. He fakes an injury. A page interrupts them, and she leaves.
The team arrives at the murder scene, and the victim is someone who was thought dead six years prior. His wife was convicted of the murder. The team suspects the wife committed the second murder after she was paroled recently.
The team talks to Paul's sister, who confirms that Vanessa had been in contact wanting to see her son.
Simone relives when her father was incarcerated.
Brendon offers to help Antoinette film a video.
Simone and Carter stake a soccer game where Sammy is, and they find Vanessa. They arrest her for Morrison's murder.
At Morrison's grave, some guys dig up and find an empty coffin with a money note. The groundskeeper confronts them, and they shoot him.
Vanessa is interrogated, insists she didn't kill Paul and feels no remorse for his death. She offers her an alibi that checks out.
She informs them of a time Paul started making ludicrous money for an investment banker.
Antoinette uncovers some new evidence that leads them to a mortician specializing in creating fake identities. Paul had seen him a few hours before he had died.
Things between Brendon and Antoinette start heating up. They make out in the office.
The mortician's lead doesn't help them much, but he promises to tell them the identity he created for Paul.
Simone and Cutty help Vannesssa reboot her life.
Brendon and Antointte's filming session doesn't go as planned. They argue after Brendon complicates it by overanalyzing.
Brendon and Laura chase down a lead with the fake identity. Simone and Garza visit the groundskeeper in the hospital.
They find Paul's wife under his fake identity.
Simone and Carter find the gang at the grave site, and a shootout ensues and, after that, a car chase. They arrest and interrogate him.
The team figures out the whole plan were orchestrated by Paul's second wife, who had lied before.
She isn't arrested, but the FBI keeps its eyes on her.
Cutty finds Vanessa, a lawyer, and helps her get back into her son's life.
Brendon and Antoinette make up.
Cutty gives Simone his secret box, and opening she finds her mom's items and letters that she sent to Cutty while he was in prison.
The Rookie: Feds
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The Rookie: Feds Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

But at least when my dad was incarcerated, I had my mama. She held the family together.


Imagine being convicted of something you had no part in doing. First, it just feels surreal. Give it time. These are professional lawyers and police detectives. They'll find the truth. Then it dawns on you. They want to close the case. They want to move on.
