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Daryl is shocked to see Carol in the cave, and he asks her what she's done.

She made a deal with Pamela to allow everyone to be safe and Lance turned over.

Pamela agrees that everyone can go back to their communities and she will give them supplies.

Lance is still scheming, however, and his spies are up to no good, killing random characters.

Sebastian is back home and preparing for some intel on what's about to happen.

He doesn't want to be any sort of powerful man, but his mom says she didn't want the power, but she had to continue the legacy.

Sebastian tells Max that everything is rigged in the Commonwealth and it's all because people are so eager to get back to the American Dream.

She records it and plays it at an event because she wants him taken down. He knows what she did and tries to kill her.

Walkers swarm into the event and he throws her to one. However, Eugene saves her at the last minute, and Sebastian is killed.

Judith does not want to leave the compound and Daryl explains why it's necessary. She doesn't want her father's gun, but by the end, she takes it.

Carol has a conversation with Ezekiel, who says that he'll be staying at the commonwealth.


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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 18 Quotes

Aaron: So the slate's just wiped clean?
Carol: Debt, deaths on both sides. We get supplies, water, weapons. Pamela provides everything that we need to finish rebuilding. Free and clear.

Daryl: You choosing this piece of shit?
Mercer: If I was, you'd already be down.
Daryl: Do what you fսcking gotta do.