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The bedlam in the Commonwealth continues as Max and Eugene go missing.

Eugene is holed up in the church with Daryl and Rosita taking turns watching them, and Max hiding in the shadows.

Mercer rounds up Princess and Rosita. Rosita is pissed that he would go to those lengths and act like they don't know each other.

Princess and Max both tell Mercer they know he's better than this and that he should be able to fight back.

Pamela blames Max and Eugene and wants answers.

Eugene says goodbye to Rosita and Daryl and tells them he's turning himself in.

He does and is locked up.

Pamela goes to see Lance and gives him a chance to save his life. He wins, and Pamela is left with Sebastian's walker who feasts on one of his men.

Aaron, Jerry, Lydia, and Jerry learned more about the Oceanside as they embarked on a mission to take supplies.

They are attacked on the road and a group of walkers have other traits. It can fight back, open doors, among other things.

They all manage to escape and Lydia takes her relationship with Jerry to another level.

The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 19 Quotes

I mean, we've all seen some that come back to the places that they remember. I've heard stories about walkers like this that can climb walls and open doors. I was never sure if they were just stories. Maybe there's other kinds too.


Attention, my fellow citizens. The perpetrators of these horrific events cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Anyone providing information on the whereabouts of these individuals will receive a generous reward, while any persons found aiding and abetting these fugitives will share their fate... That of swift and final justice.
