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Daryl is trying to find Dog after the Reaper drama.

He finds him but the Reapers are pursuing him.

One of the Reapers takes their mask off and it is revealed to be Leah.

Daryl is shocked and she is adamant, asking about more people he is with.

He tries to tell her he isn't working with anyone and joined them in the name of getting food.

She attacks him and tortures him, but he manages to talk them around.

He is surprisingly welcomed by Pope, but then Pople puts him in a room to see who he saves first.

He saves Leah from the fire and they have a chat outside about him becoming a member of the group.

This causes problems, but Pope is happy about a new person.

Pope says they were all soldiers but became mercenaries in the end. They now believe they are God's soldiers. 

In the end, Pope kills one of his own by throwing them into a fire.

This does not sit well with Daryl or Leah but they let it happen.

We're left to wonder what might happen next as Daryl questions his decisions in joining these people, but he knows he has no choice.

The Walking Dead
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