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Pamela is rounding up all of Eugene's allies for some reason.

Carol is talking to Ezekiel and he goes missing, something that scares her, so she goes to find Daryl, but he's being attacked by two men.

Carol helps fight back.

They realize that the only way they can find everyone is by getting Lance out of his cell.

They all get split up but Lance leads Carol out of the compound and they go through strange looking tunnels.

Pamela tells Yumiko she will prosecute Euegene and be thankful that's all.

Pamela also threatens all of Yumiko's friends and family, saying that if she doesn't follow the order, there will be hell to pay.

Yumiko visits Eugene and tells him that she has to prosecute him and that this is one of the hardest things in her life.

In the end, Yumiko pays tribute to her brother and then says that she will be defending Eugene to a packed room, something that irks Pamela.

Connie is trying to evade the bad guys, while Daryl and Carol reunite with Lance, telling him that he has to leave.

He tries to grab a gun, but Carol shoots him in the neck with an arrow, leaving him to die.

We see our heroes on a train being taken to the middle of nowhere, and knocked out.

The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20 Quotes

Pamela: There's no threat.
Yumiko: Right now, I'm the biggest threat you have. I suggest you say good-bye to your guests and tell me what the hell's going on. I'm not leaving until you do.
Pamela: We were just wrapping up. Thank you all for coming by and sharing your thoughts.

My mom once told me that the only thing more dangerous than the dead is the living.
