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After burying Carl, Rick and Michonne are forced to leave Alexandria when they are swarmed by walkers. Rick decides that they should head to speak with Jadis, as they still have weapons to use in the fight against the Saviors and RIck is convinced that he can still persuade Jadis to fight with them.

After being captured by Oceanside, Aaron and Enid are able to convince their leader, Cyndie, to let them go. Aaron tries in vain to persuade Oceanside to fight with them against the Saviors.

At the Sanctuary, a crate arrives that Maggie sent Negan containing a walker. Enraged, Simon intends to kill Maggie and the rest of Hilltop, but Negan nixes the idea.

Negan sends Simon to the Scavengers to confront them on helping Rick. Negan tells Simon to kill only one of them as an example.

Upon arriving at the garbage dump, Simon confiscates the Scavenger's weapons. When Simon does not feel he is getting a heartfelt apology from Jadis for betraying the Saviors, he shoots one of her people. Simon then shoots another one when he's still not satisfied. Infuriated, Jadis punches Simon.

In response, Simon has his men execute Jadis' entire group.

By the time Rick and Michonne arrive, Jadis' people have already returned as walkers. They find Jadis, alive, and she tells them what happened. She speaks normally now, revealing their entire strange language to be all an act.

Jadis explained that after the apocalypse, they found the garbage site that was secluded from the rest of the world. They decided they could start over and make their own way of life.

Rick and Michonne fight their way through the horde, but despite Jadis' plea to take her with them, Rick leaves her behind.

Left all alone, Jadis leads the walkers to a trash grinder as her former group is torn to shreds.

While driving back, Michonne looks through the letters that Carl wrote and finds one addressed to Negan. After Rick reads Negan's letter, he becomes infuriated and radios to speak with Negan.

Rick tells Negan about Carl, who displays great remorse but quickly pins the blame on Rick for not being there for his son. Rick tells Negan that Carl wants them both to stop fighting, but Rick insists that he will kill still Negan. 

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The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 10 Quotes

What do you think he meant? Did he want us to stop fighting...the Saviors? Just surrender to Negan?


Negan: You set this course Rick. Who's next?
Rick: You are!