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Lucas has been arrested, and Elizabeth is having a hard time understanding why there are some people who still believe he could be guilty.

Joseph takes Lucas breakfast, and Nathan offers to let Lucas out, but Lucas ignores him.

Mike still wants to consider conceding his mayoral position. He needs to take a breather. He's used to saying yes, and all he does now is say no, and he doesn't htink it's for him.

Rosemary and Lee visit Faith because Rosie has the flu. She wants to get to work, and Lee clucks at her.

Molly misses having someone to take care of her. Her husband has been gone so long, she almost doesn't remember.

Fiona welcomes two gentlemen to town, and the younger of the two seems to have a thing for Fiona.

It's Mr. Gilchrist, and Rosemary and Lee didn't make a great impression.

Elizabeth stops to see Rosemary on her way to see Lucas. Rosemary doesn't want Elizabeth passing her illness to anyone else.

Fiona is pacing back and forth in front of Gowen Oil. She confides in Nathan that the other guy is interested in her.

Bill gets a call from an attorney in Glanville. He wants to make a plea deal.

Faith and Nathan talk about Lucas.

Elizabeth visits Lucas and gives him a pocketwatch for her birthday with the inscription, "our time has come."

Lee is practicing his typing.

The man who hit Nathan was hired to plant evidence in Lucas's office, and he wants to walk to testify against Walden, which means that Nathan wouldn't get justice.

Oh, the young fellow is Author Gilchrist, and he's eager to swing by the coal mines.

Rosemary might be pregnant!!! OMG!!!!

She is wary rather than excited at the possibility and worries that if it doesn't come to be true, Lee's heart would break.

Lee talks with Joseph about the loan, admitting that he listened to Joseph, but he didn't hear him.

The meeting about the sale is in progress. Jerome seems quite kind with regard to Henry. Henry makes a dramatic entrance.

Henry talks with Lucas about the structural integrity of the mine, and it's not good.

Rosemary and Lee wonder why they're not publishing the story about the possibility of the mine reopening. Lee wonders if it might be too impersonal of a way for the town to find out.

Rosemary barges in on Elizabeth and Lucas.

Faith barges in on Bill, who nodded off on his desk. She's worried about him overworking.

Faith got Carson's advice on Bill's symptoms. He's angry about it, but Faith is even more worried than before as a result.

Elizabeth and Rosemary argue over going to print. Elizabeth told Rosemary in confidence, as her friend, and she thinks the town will blame Lucas.

But Rosemary has already made up her mind.

When Lucas arrives back in town, Nathan wants to talk.

Nathan hasn't made up his mind yet, but he's having a hard time making the decision that would mean the driver got off without consequences.

The next day, the town gets the news about the mine reopening, and Elizabeth liked the article. Rosemary apologizes and promises never to do that again. Elizabeth doesn't want to be guarded with Rosemary, and Rosemary shares her news with Elizabeth. It's so touching.

Bill addresses the elephant in the room, and Arthur admits there is reason to be concerned about the mine reopening.

Rosemary gets a piece of the gooey butter cake, and she takes the time to ask Joseph about prayers for having a baby and if they might be answered. He says God answers every one, but it might not be the answer they expect.

Jerome and Henry talk, doing business like they used to, across the table with two glasses.

Nathan visits Elizabeth to tell her he's advising Bill to take the plea.

Arthur asks Joseph to fill him in on the scars the mine disaster left behind.

Jerome wonders if there are better ways to mine nowadays. Henry says not good enough.

Jerome suggests that Fiona manage the oil company while he and Henry work together to make the mine safe. They shake on it, but Henry seems skittish.

Jack is "what's this" ing his way through Lucas's office.

Lucas gets Elizabeth's gift out of his drawer, but the phone rings. It's Florence. She's bawling. Henry has agreed to manage the mines.

Lucas doesn't want to celebrate tonight, and he asks if they can postpone dinner. Jack crawls into his lap, and Lucas can't help but laugh.

Henry addresses Florence and Molly, and when he talks to them, Florence slaps him across the face, calling him a hateful man.

When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 10 Quotes

Faith: Hey, you and Bill don't actually think Lucas is in cahoots with Walden.
Nathan: I'm trying to keep an open mind, Faith, but you know, Lucas was into some dirty dealings before he arrived.
Faith: But, should that have any bearing now?

Faith: Elizabeth, I hope you're aware that none of us question Lucas's innocence.
Elizabeth: I think there are at least a few.
Faith: Nathan and Bill are doing their jobs.
Elizabeth: Perhaps. But they know Lucas.