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Lucas has had flowers delivered to her house. He's planning a nice, quiet dinner for her birthday.

Fiona arrives with news for Lucas. Henry confronted the investors with their possible plans, and that ruins Lucas's plans since the investors want Fiona to replace Henry with the provision that Lucas remain for another fiscal year.

Florence and Ned are stocking washing machines. Bill arrives with dirty clothes in hand. He can't buy one without knowing it works.

Mike hasn't been sleeping. He knows what he needs to do to sleep again. He has to resign from office.

Elizabeth and Lucas discuss her birthday plans, and Lucas asks for Abigail's number in case Henry was there. But she's just talked to Abigail, and Henry wasn't there.

Walden arrives ready to do battle with Lucas.

Lucas finally admits to Lucas that he was trying to trap Walden in a sting, and now it's backfired as he has to sell the saloon. Elizabeth wants to get Bill involved.

Rosemary had a day of pampering planned for Elizabeth's birthday, but it seems unlikely the day will go as planned.

Rosemary is still excited about the Hearst man coming to Hope Valley, but Fiona has a much different reaction.

Bill is looking for Mei, but she's not at the pharmacy.

Faith finds Mei at the back door. She's leaving for Chicago, and she doesn't know how to tell Nathan.

Fiona rings Mr. Gilchrist in San Francisco. He's not available, but she asks for a return call. It's important, but not urgent.

Joseph is running through town trying to find help for the cafe. Minnie is short-handed.

Rosemary turns down the offer, but Lee is corralled into lending his time.

When they talk with Bill, Elizabeth learns that Jerome will probably reopen the mill. The perils of big business are sprawling right into Hope Valley.

Bill and Mike start a ruse to trap Walden by pretending to have a fight. It occurs right as Walden is on his way to ask for a quitclaim deed.

Bill promises to get Walden the Queen of Hearts without paying a cent in exchange for getting him the capital he needs to overturn the mayor's election or something.

Rosemary shares with Elizabeth that Walden is wanted for the murder of another saloon owner, which scares Elizabeth.

Nathan learns about Mei.

Mei is leaving because Jeffrey is pushing the charges, which means she has to be in Chicago. Nathan and Mei have a nice goodbye exchange, but they're both feeling pretty rotten.

Florence was attacked by the washing machine. When she and Molly start talking about Mei, Molly says that she thinks Faith has been carrying a torch for Nathan.

Lee's cooking is challenged, but he's getting the hang of it. And then Joseph arrives.

Joseph wonders why Lee didn't ask him and points out all of the clues as to why cosigning his loan a bad idea and he wouldn't have wanted the assist.

Lucas is happy that he gets to stay with Elizabeth and Jack to keep them safe on her birthday.

Nathan is either out of the loop or playing a role in the sale of the Queen of Hearts.

Joseph asks Cooper if he's ever going back to church. Cooper wants to be his own boss for a while.

Lucas asks for Jack's help with a birthday surprise.

Fiona gets a call from Mr. Gilchrist. She asks if he's planning a trip here. He says yes, but she doesn't ask any further questions.

Fiona tells Lee and Rosemary about Gilchrist. And Rosemary acts oddly about the situation as they're not the best at keeping secrets.

Faith and Nathan talk about not getting married.

Elizabeth, Lucas, and Jack have fun and talk to each other about growing up.

Jack wakes up Lucas by diving onto his chest from the side of the couch.

Cooper doesn't know why they have work to do when they own the cafe now. Joseph wonders if Cooper still wants to be his own boss.

Bill is waiting for Walden to arrive with the money. Spurlock shoots off Nathan's hat and takes off while Bill takes Walden into custody.

Nathan does some fancy footwork and lands his man.

Rosemary is thrilled at the activity and an exclusive that will be carried all over the area.

Lee thinks it's all like a mystery novel, and Elizabeth's ears prick up at the thought.

Walden told Bill that Lucas was working with people in New Orleans, and he's planted evidence in Lucas's office to make it stick.


When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 9 Quotes

Lucas: So what can we do?
Bill: The only thing we can do. We let Walden buy the Queen of Hearts.

Lucas: Is there something you want?
Walden: The Queen of Hearts Saloon, and you're going to sell it to me.