Their Next Move - Will Trent
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A man is shot at the Belvor Estates.

Meanwhile, Will is getting fitted in a white tux since he's escorting Faith and Jeremy to a wedding. He's never been to a wedding before, and Faith thinks he looks like James Bond.

He really plays into the role as Faith gets nervous because her friend Lindsay always thinks she's superior. Will promises to make her look good at the wedding.

They observe people at the wedding when they run into Jeremy and Faith's friend Danielle, who spills Jeremy has a new job. He reveals he's working as a sound engineer, but Faith doesn't know he quit college.

Will tries to mediate things and takes Faith to cool off and get a drink while Jeremy goes to find his friend Colin for groomsmen photos. Faith's day gets worse as a woman spills her drink on Faith's new dress.

Will stops her from erupting by guiding her upstairs to clean it up.

Jeremy finds his friends in the basement, and they find a dead body. A gunman points a gun at them. As Will points out Faith's qualities, they hear a scream and an active shooter. As they quietly creep down the stairs, they see several gunmen holding the guests hostage.

They observe three gunmen who want phones, purses, and money. One sees Will and orders him to come downstairs slowly with his hands up. Faith hides in the bathroom while Will joins Jeremy and his friends.

He remembers seeing Sleeveless Jack kill his wife and comforting the younger kids. He's traumatized as he reassures Jeremy they'll be okay.

As the gunmen talk, Jeremy tells Will about the body in the basement and the safe he suspects they were breaking into. Will thinks they weren’t planning on people, and now the hostages are a problem. A woman named Patty asks the plan, which is to lay low.

After another flashback, Will approaches the gunmen and suggests moving the dead body would put the hostages more at ease. The leader agrees to let Trey escort Jeremy and him.

As Jeremy and Will cover the body, Will taunts Dominique, asking if he’s having fun yet.  The gunmen don't believe Will's act, but he convinces Dominque to hire him as a lawyer since he can keep him out of jail since Dominque never actually killed anyone.

Will acts smoothly and then suggests Jeremy bring some snacks upstairs.

Angie and Michael work on case notes at the bar Crystal works at. She flies in late because of a school project. Angie seems pleased, but Michael thinks she's lying and that Angie needs to investigate.

Faith hunts through the gifts, looking for a gun. She finally finds some decorative stones and fills a sock with them. The waiter, Christian, finds her, but a fight ensues when there's a report on the walkie-talkie about a missing guest.

He attacks her, and she stabs him with a fondue fork. Faith is terrified but determined to save the wedding as she spots a fax machine.

Angie tells a customer to keep his hands off of Crystal and then chastises Crystal for flirting with the customers.

Faith tries to signal Jeremy to throw her a pen, but it doesn't work, and the shooter reacts when it lands. Stede informs the leader that Christian, the safecracker, is dead.

As the gunmen argue and fight, Jeremy beckons Will. He tells Will that Faith is alive and needs a pen. Will gets a pen and asks Miss Patty for her inhaler and asks her to fake an asthma attack

Will pretends he must go upstairs and get Miss Patty's inhaler before she dies before checking in with Faith, who wants to fax APD.

While Will attempts to convince Dominique to call it quits, Stede searches the upstairs bathroom and finds Faith's purse. Dance music starts playing through the walkie-talkie.

The distraction allows Faith to knock Stede over the head, and the women go at it. Downstairs, Will almost has Doninque convinced, but then Trey shoots and kills Dominque. Will remembers the gun going off as a kid.

Trey chooses Jeremy's friend, Colin, to join them in the vault. Stede sees Jeremy's photo and yells for Faith to appear or Jeremy dies, which angers Faith.

The APD captain finally sees Faith's fax and yells to find Amanda, Angie, and Michael. Once they arrive, Angie and Franklin convince Amanda to send a small team in to check things out.

Will begs them not to hurt Colin as he examines the safe. It’s a dial lock which is a bunch of gears like an engine. He keeps flashing back to his 12-year-old self as Stede threatens Faith and Jeremy's lives.

Faith and Jeremy are locked up. She admits she only wanted him to have a better life than her. As Stede returns, Faith makes Jeremy press a button. An alarm goes off, the door opens, and Faith attacks Stede again.


Will breaks down, begging for more time. This is interspersed with Will remembering Sleeveless Jack killing his wife. He’s at the body crying.


Chas erupts with guns, and Will insets a gun into Trey as APD arrives. Ang wants to get medical help for Faith, but she insists she's fine and tells them about Stede in the kitchen. Ang wants to know where Will is, and we see Mike and Will with a hysterical Colin.

Back at the office, Amanda and Faith finally make peace. Angie arrives to take Will home. She knows he shouldn't be alone, and he breaks down. They embrace and get back together.







Will Trent
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Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Faith: You look like James Bond.
Will: The name’s Trent, Will Trent.
Faith: Stupid, real stupid.

Okay, I know I’m only your plus one because Luke’s out of town, but I promise I’m going do everything I can to make you look good.
