90210 Cast Members Gush About Series, Characters

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Entertainment Tonight recently chatted with a quarter of stars from 90210. Each sounded quite excited to be a part of the series.

Jessica Walter on hype surrounding 90210: "In my - I'm sorry to say - 50 years of being in the biz, I have never been on anything that's got buzz like this - never!"

Shenae Grimes (pictured) on original series
: "My mom raised me on it, basically. I am very shell-shocked every time I meet one of the old cast members and see the old high school and stuff like that. It's been quite a trip."

Shenae Grimes Photo

Tristan Wilds on his character versus himself: "Dixon Mills is coming from Kansas and moving to Beverly Hills, so he's brand new to everything here just like I'm brand new to everything. I feel the same way Dixon feels, sort of."

Dustin Milligan on his character's stud factor: "I think there's definitely going to be some lady drama with Ethan 'cuz he's a player!"

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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