Heard and Not Seen: Kristen Bell Talks Gossip Girl

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We've never seen former Veronica Mars and current Heroes star Kristen Bell on Gossip Girl, but we hear her each and every week.

As the voice of the infamous blogger from whom the show is named, she's the girl behind the snarky Gossip Girl quotes we love.

Here are excerpts from an interview Kristen recently did in which she discussed Gossip Girl in addition to her role on Heroes ...

Q: You're pulling double-duty on Gossip Girl. Do you see your role as the narrator on that show as a fully realized character?

Kristen Bell: Not really. I see her as the entity that is the Internet. It's like she's reading your diary - or your Sweet Valley High Slam Book, like when I was in school. These websites, there's so much catty interaction. She's the voice of evil.

Kristen Bell Photo

Q: Websites are evil?

Kristen Bell: [Laughs.] Not all of them. But when they involve talking about your friends and being really catty, I don't think they're not evil.

Q: Would you be willing to fully take on that character if the creators ever decided that the Gossip Girl should be exposed?

Kristen Bell: Absolutely! I'd do anything Josh Schwartz wanted me to. But I don't see it ever going that way. I think it's not meant to be interpreted like that. People can interpret it however they want, but I think it's really just supposed to be the opposite of the voice of reason. Like how usually the narrator is the voice of reason, or the conscience. She's the opposite of that.

Q: Gossip Girl's main characters are almost exclusively the sort of spoiled rich kids that made life so hard for Veronica Mars. Do you see Gossip Girl as promoting unhealthy ideals about wealth and privilege - the sort of stuff that the Veronica Mars types of the world have to deal with?

Kristen Bell: Probably. [Laughs.] But you can argue anything into the ground about videogames and violence and all these things, and the bottom line is, you have to be a smart individual. Is Gossip Girl really promoting good values and honesty and sincerity? Probably not. But it is a really fun show to watch. People dream about being the upper crust and having money at their disposal and being those kids, and that's why it's interesting. Just don't let your impressionable 7-year-old watch it.

Follow the link for the full interview ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.