"Dan de Fleurette" Sneak Previews Continue

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In the third sneak peek from "Dan de Fleurette" we posted last night, we got a glimpse of Dan and his new flame, an actress played by actress Hilary Duff.

Now, here's another clip in which he and Nate first notice the new girl across the room from them, and Nate encourages his buddy Dan to make a move.

Tell us what you think of the Gossip Girl preview below ...

[video url="http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/dan-de-fleurette-sneak-peek-4/" title="Dan de Fleurette Sneak Peek #4"] [/video]

Check out another clip from "Dan de Fleurette" after the jump, in which fair Serena van der Woodsen has a nice heart-to-heart with Tyra Banks' character ...

[video url="http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/dan-de-fleurette-sneak-peek-5/" title="Dan de Fleurette Sneak Peek #5"] [/video]

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.