Blue Bloods Review: "Family Ties"

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There were some nice moments in the latest Blue Bloods episode, along with some surprising ones. Overall, “Family Ties” gave us a look inside multiple families, focusing on the the secrets they keep - and those they don’t.

I was startled by Henry’s outburst over Erin’s case. Does he really think she can turn down this high profile case and not have it hurt her career?  I can understand him being protective about his son, but was a taken aback that he’d go after Erin so vehemently and then storm out of their family dinner.

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As usual, Frank took it all in stride.  He understood his father’s concern, but was still proud of his daughter for not backing down. Political fallout is part of the job and the Reagans will deal with it as it comes.  I don’t know what this family would do without Frank’s steadiness and council.

Which brings me to my utter bafflement that Jamie never brings this Blue Templar nonsense to his father.  I suppose he’s trying to protect him in some way.  I’d hope Lydia’s questionable suicide makes him more wary of investigating his brother’s death alone.  He needs to share what he suspects with someone he trusts.

The case of the dead mobster’s son was intriguing in the way it was the first domino that then produced so much pain. That one death caused Grishenko to torture and kill the club owner and then blow up Sergei in the hopes of finding the killer. 

In the end, all of that carnage was the downfall of Grishenko, as Danny was able to arrest him for these subsequent murders.  The irony is that Grishenko’s son was murdered by someone he probably never suspected.  How sad that Anna’s desperation to protect her daughter caused so much bloodshed, leaving her daughter with no family at all.

My favorite moment was the kiss between Erin and Rossellini.  I certainly saw it coming.  Although Erin seemed surprised, she didn’t back away.  If this relationship goes forward, it will definitely make her life more complicated and I can’t wait to see it.

So... were you surprised by Henry’s outburst or is that just the Reagan way?  And what did you think of the make out session?

Family Ties Review

Editor Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (23 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Jackie: It was either St. Anne's tartan plaid or a chastity belt.
Danny: I'm guessing by the age of her daughter it wasn't the chastity belt that she chose

I was getting ready to call in a missing persons on you. No worries. Victim's still dead.
