Cougar Town Review: "A Thing About You"

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Jules and Grayson are in la la la la love and everybody knows it!

This week's episode, "A Thing About You," opened with Grayson coming up with a celebrity couple name for the two of them: Jayson. Yes, that is a real name, but it was a lot cuter than Gruelson. Seriously, who would be on Team Gruelson?

From A Thing About You

Laurie asked Jules if she could stay with her for a couple days while her place gets repainted and Jules naturally says yes. From that moment on, we all knew Laurie would turn into the roommate from hell. Everything she did got on Jules' last nerve.

It's one thing to want to spend time with each other, but borrowing someone's thong? Gross. Laurie didn't know her limits and finally when Jules had enough, we learn Laurie only did all of this to spend time with her. Part of me wanted to kill Laurie and the other part of me really did feel bad for her.

Being apart of the female species, I know what it feels like to be on both ends of this spectrum.

When you are in the beginning stage of a relationship, all you want to do is spend time with that person and you tend to forget your girlfriends. And being a part of the forgotten is not fun. All Laurie really wanted was some of her girl time back with Jules.

Meanwhile, Ellie made friends with a new wine bar owner, Wayne. This guy is the male version of Ellie. They both love wine and talking sh*t about people. All is fun and games, until Wayne decided to pick on Jules. Ellie gave him fair warning to leave her best friend out of it, but Wayne wouldn't shut up.

This scene was probably the funniest part of the episode all because of Andy. He sat in the corner and literally got turned on watching his wife rip a new one for Wayne. Those two really are M.F.E.O.

Bobby also got a bit jealous that Trav asked Grayson for advice before coming to him. Worried that Trav would look at Grayson as a father, Bobby confronted Grayson about it.

In the end, Bobby was able to give Trav the best piece of advice by giving him his boat all decked out with lights and candles. I loved that it really wasn't Bobby's idea, but Grayson's. This showed us that Grayson has really done a 180 from the womanizer he once was. Not only is he in a committed and caring relationship with Jules, but with the rest of the crew as well.

As much as I do love the opening titles, Starting to Own It didn't do anything for me. Did you crack a smile with that?

Until next week, here are a few of my favorite Cougar Town quotes from last night:

Jules: I would like some of that fancy wine.
Ellie: Do it Wayne.
Jules: Oh no! I brought my own glass. It's big Carl. Fill em up. | permalink
Jules: (to Ellie) That's why I love you. Because you are so comfortable in your own skin. | permalink
Bobby: (to Trav) If you're with the right gal, it's all about creating the moment. | permalink
Bobby: It's raining Kirstens?
Grayson: My Kirstonas? | permalink
Jules: (to Ellie) Stop right there! Girlfriends don't talk about each other behind their backs. (Laughter breaks out) | permalink
Trav: Guys! Can I ask you a relationship question?
Jules: No one will ever love you as much as I do. | permalink
Grayson: (to Jules) I'm feeling good about Jayson. It's Grayson and Jules. I combined our names like the way they do with celebrity couples. | permalink

A Thing About You Review

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Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Trav: Guys! Can I ask you a relationship question?
Jules: No one will ever love you as much as I do.

(to Jules) I'm feeling good about Jayson. It's Grayson and Jules. I combined our names like the way they do with celebrity couples.
