Desperate Housewives Review: Paul's Shooter, Revealed!

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Ah, finally. Viewers learned who shot Paul Young on "Flashback."

The episode took us back to past conversations between Zach and Mike, as we got a glimpse into Zach’s lost existence and the demons with which he's dealing as a result of his relationship with Paul.

Arms Around Bree

Zach's dark, unsettling behavior was just what the show needed to keep us on our toes.  The question remains, though: what will he do next?

This drug addict is like a loose cannon. He’s already shot his father, and hid the gun in Bree’s couch. Perhaps next he will hold one of the ladies hostage to get his father’s attention. That is, after all, what he’s always wanted, right?

Elsewhere, Susan’s disappointment over losing her donor had me feeling bad for this little lost soul.  To be honest, I'm thinking she should have just gone along with it and taken the kidney from her stalker-like high school friend.

I think you can get over the fact that he made you a scrapbook and put your name in lights... well, glitter.  I mean, where’s the give and take, Susan?  He adores you, has a kidney that is a match for you, and you may die if you don’t have one. What's the dilemma here?

We got a bit of surprise in regard to Bree’s secretive behavior with Keith’s child. I was certain that Bree was going to be left with Charlie after giving his mom a check. I saw her running to the bank across the street, not to return.  Now that would have been an interesting twist: Breith raising his child in her immaculate, roasted salmon-smelling home.

Amidst all of this sad drama, the Scaivos provided the lighthearted drama this week when Grandpa Frank died on their couch during the family photo.  Who does that? To die on someone’s couch after complaining about their mediocre home and existence?  Oh, Frank, you truly are a jackass. 

And to then cover him with a sheet (one off of your many children’s beds, no doubt) and let him sit there.  I can only imagine how that couch must smell afterward.  I have a feeling their plot to not report Frank’s death until after his will goes into effect will backfire, leaving mom with Lynette, and still more bills to pay.  Cue the violins; I sense a economical moment coming for these two next week.

Gaby’s escape from therapy was impressive as always. I’d do anything to avoid telling my deep dark secrets, too... but I’m not sure I’d have any luck climbing out of a bathroom window onto a fire escape in heels. Now that is talent.  This woman has scaled houses in those things!  Don’t get me wrong, I can walk in heels like the best of them, but wow, I wouldn’t be surprised if next Gaby is walking a tightrope for some reason in her barely worn Jimmy Choos.

Overall, it was a good episode. It's nice to have the Wisteria Lane gang is back, isn't it?

Flashback Review

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