Bones Round Table: "The Prince in the Plastic"

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By and large, our staff members remained pleased with Bones' new direction so far in Season Seven after last week's episode, "The Prince in the Plastic." What about you, though?

Below, Jeffersonian squintern wannabes and TV Fanatic scribes Steve Marsi, Chandel Charles, Christine Orlando and Carissa Pavlica have gathered for an in-depth Bones Q&A.

Here's what we think. Weigh in with your own answers after reading!


What was your favorite moment/quote from the episode?

Chandel: My favorite scene was probably the end, when Booth and Brennan were in a full on nerf battle. That was pretty fun to watch. As much as I didn't expect to, I really like this new and more fun Brennan that we see on and off throughout the episodes. It used to be so much more compartmentalized, but now both her personal and professional worlds are intermixed.

Carissa:  When Brennan was playing with Prince Charmington and saying something like "I seem to have lost my arm and my leg but..." in a funny voice. I cracked up. Even playing with toys she's always serious about a corpse, even a plastic one.

Christine: Right in the beginning where Booth and Sweets were arguing over Sweets getting a gun. "You're not getting a gun." "Then you're not getting a man cave." Very funny.

Steve: "I want at least an acre of land and Booth would like something called a man cave." This was funny on its own merit, but the fact that she answered Sweets' question over Booth's objection made it even more priceless.

How do you feel about the overall theme of this season so far: Cases mirroring Brennan's maternal instincts and preparation for motherhood?

Chandel: I think it's an interesting and new way to go, even if it seems unlikely such a confluence of cases would exist in the real world.

Carissa: It's not bothering me at all. I'm enjoying the season. I'm actually surprised there isn't more stuff about kids considering Angela and Hodgins have a little nugget of their own.

Christine: I'm enjoying it. Every new mother is insecure about something. Brennan just shows it in her own unique way.

Steve: With each passing week it feels more natural and less like the writers are trying to convince us it's natural. With the shocker at the end of last season, and then the time jump, it's understandably taking some getting used to, but the progression has been consistent and very entertaining at times.

What will she and Booth name the baby?

Chandel: I have no idea, and I won't be baited into guessing only to inevitably find out I'm wrong!

Carissa: Broothe.

Christine: They could do something very traditional like name the baby after her mother but honestly I have no idea. I can't wait to find out. 

Steve: Zooey. Cute name, better inside joke.

Sweets packing heat: Sexy or scary?

Chandel: Not sure. I think the ability to carry a gun will be a point of pride and growth for him in some small way. It proves to him that Booth really values him as more than just a shrink, as someone able to have his back in the field. I think it's scary that there's now the possibility of him going out into the field. That might be a little foreshadowing. I won't lie, it is pretty attractive though, too.

Carissa: I can't find him sexy, but his packing heat isn't scary at all. And he killed it in the course, even with Booth giving him every chance to fail. He's a good egg.

Christine: I agree with Carissa. I find Sweets more sweet than sexy but he certainly took the responsibility of handling a weapon seriously. He wants to be there to back up his friends ... and he thinks it's kind of cool.

Steve: Me personally? I was scared he'd shoot through the screen, although Daisy seemed to find it sexy, so I guess I'll trust her on that one ... although she seems to be turned on by a lot of things.

You're Under Arrest?

Daisy: Awesome or annoying?

Chandel: The more I see Daisy, the less I like her. She's too sexually charged all the time for my taste. I don't feel like she has any real depth. Sorry, but annoying.

Carissa: I've always enjoyed Carla Gallo and her ability to morph into just about anybody. Early on, I found Daisy annoying. Once I discovered the wonder of Gallo's skills I just find every role she plays fascinating.

Christine: I always feel like I should be annoyed but I'm not, probably because despite her antics she's smarter than she first appears. Plus she truly loves her Lancelot. Daisy's quirkiness has ended up being more endearing than I would have expected.

Steve: She's lovably annoying. Daisy's the kind of girl who you'll often roll your eyes at but who is so darn endearing that you're happy to see her anyway. We all know people like that.

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Chandel: My favorite toy as a kid? That's a hard one. I really liked beanie babies, Furbees and, of course Barbie dolls. I had a house with a battery-operated elevator. It was awesome.

Carissa: Barbie! And, guess what. I still collect and play with 12 inch dolls, Barbie included. This episode was like a dream!!

Christine: I can't remember having one favorite but my sister had lots of Barbies we used to play with. I'm not sure I should admit it but we'd make up serial killer stories with them. I guess the stories that entertain me haven't changed since then.

Steve: What a bunch of girls on this panel. My upbringing was a bit different. A regular Ron Swanson, I was not allowed to play with toys, unless they taught me something specific about surviving in the wild.

To weigh in on the last week's Bones episode, or how the TV Fanatic staff is such a bunch of girls when it comes to toys, leave a comment below!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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