Modern Family Review: The Gift of the Vagi

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Coming off of last week's Halloween rerun, Modern Family returned with "Treehouse" and a triple whammy of guest stars.

Jay's best bud Shorty was back with his new girlfriend, played by Jennifer Tilly. And let me just say that if your cleavage is bigger than Sofia Vergara's, it's too much. Wow. Shocked she didn't hurt someone with those things.

Leslie Mann on Modern Family

Gloria was jealous of of the fun stuff that Shorty and his gal were out doing: picnics, sunsets, dancing. Isn't that sort of par for the course when you're dating a woman significantly younger than you? Shorty has to keep things exciting!

I love the relationship between Jay and Gloria because they both do things they wouldn't normally do in order to keep the other happy. It's the mark of a well-balanced relationship. Plus, it provided Mitchell with the ultimate prank opportunity.

Jay is a smart dude and has been around the block, so what pill did he think was going to magically help him Salsa dance and give him raging... nevermind? Was it the same pill that Mitchell took when he participated in the flashmob dance last year? Ahh, the classic placebo effect switcheroo.

Speaking of love, I L-O-V-E Leslie Mann. My sister and I imitate the Knocked Up doorman scene on a regular basis. She NEEDS to be a repeat guest star and it didn't hurt that the writers paired her storyline with Cam. Though I hate to break it to Cam: his flair isn't something he can cover up. It's the best part of him!

Leslie's character was a big part in flipping the switch on Mitchell for once, the pragmatic lawyer who isn't easily fooled. Throw in a crazy Claire, Haley's attempt to write her college essay (with a pen?!?), and Phil's dream of building a treehouse and you've got a near perfect episode.

I have to say that Phil could have a boring storyline and still manage to crack me up in a matter of 30 seconds. Well done, Mr. Dunphy. Hit the comments and don't forget to vote on your favorite quotes.

Treehouse Review

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Modern Family Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

If she were I would never have been that smooth. It's ironic, like "The Gift of the Vagi."


Did I just say wife gets in the way? Cause sometimes I do that.
