The Mentalist Review: The Talking Dead

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"My Bloody Valentine" featured Grace facing her past, while Rigsby was confronted by his future.

Grace couldn't seem to catch a break. She got shot at and crashed her car, probably had a concussion, was being chased by a hired killer and was stuck with a grumpy hooker. Of course, the hooker was also a killer but we'll get back to that later.

Then, visions of her dead fiance started to pop up. Was this her head injury, her post traumatic stress disorder or simply a ghost from her past coming back to haunt her?

The moment Lisbon shoved that necklace under her nose you saw Grace's tenuous hold on her emotions begin to crumble. Lisbon actually seemed a little blase about it. I would have thought she'd offer to hold onto it for Grace until she was ready to deal with it instead of telling her she could have the necklace auctioned off. That came off a little cold.

Jane at the Crime Scene

I knew from the start that our prostitute was trouble, but I was surprised she was actually the murdeer. At least it wasn't a hooker with a heart of gold story. We'll save that one for Cho and Summer. This hooker drove a Lexus and tried to bash Grace's head in. I think that made her a little worse than grumpy.

The entire team was worried about Grace but Wayne was the one to track her down. Rigsby's never been one of my favorite characters, yet I liked him the best when he was paired with Van Pelt. I loved how O'Laughlin disappeared from Grace's vision just as Rigsby came into view.

Are Grace and Wayne destined to find their way back to one another? Well, not so fast.

Sarah was all but forgotten as Wayne worried about Grace. Granted, she was missing and in trouble but I doubt he ever even thought about calling Sarah back or keeping her informed. 

We'd never seen Sarah appear so needy before and it made me wonder if this was the beginning of the end for this duo. Apparently that would be too easy, though... I was floored when she confessed she was pregnant. I sure never saw that coming. This will certainly complicate things.

It was Grace's story that took center stage but Jane had a few good moments too. I loved listening to him ask Porchetto to let him borrow the man who killed his son and then he'd give him back and the gangster could do what he wanted to him. Because if anyone would understand the need for vengeance, it's Jane.

Lisbon jumped into the thick of Jane's plan fairly quickly at the hospital. She's been doing more and more of that lately. Questioning him less. Taking the leaps of faith and trusting his methods. It's nice to see but it makes me wonder where that leads next. It could bring them closer together or it could bring Lisbon nothing but trouble.

In the end, Grace didn't get many answers from Craig. How did he become Red John's pawn? Was Grace simply a means to an end or did he truly love her? Could it be both? She'll probably never know for sure but perhaps she'll be able to find some peace and move on.

As for Rigsby, I think his problems have just begun.

My Bloody Valentine Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Mentalist Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Cho: They brought in hookers for entertainment.
Jane: Good, wholesome fun.

It's beautiful out here although they could use a little more signage.
