South Park Season Premiere Review: You Can Always Sue Somebody

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Oh Clyde. Fear not. Your mother, Betsey Donovan, did not die in vain. Her passing taught us all a valuable lesson: What that shelf behind toilet seats is really for.  

No, not for housing any plumbing equipment. It's somewhere to place your comic books while you straddle your toilet seat "Reverse Cowgirl" style. Oh, and what a glory hole is really for. Hint: not your penis.

Reverse Cowgirl Picture

Clearly Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been dealing with a combination of some nagging girlfriends and your standard air travel violations. Strapping yourself in to your toilet after having your anus inspected? Only slightly less painful than air travel or "The Entity."

I thought the shots at TSA, although not as timely as some other South Park efforts, were pretty hilarious.

Obviously things were a satire to some of the more recent changes at airports, from the inappropriate pat downs to the full body x-rays. Who does get to see those full body x-rays for which we have to stick our hands in the air so long?

Probably that room of a creepy guy masturbating isn't that far off.  Did anyone else notice Mr. Slave on a screen in the background? Any other fun Easter Eggs I missed in that scene?

Meanwhile, in the B story, the boys tried to help Clyde and the blood on his penis. You know, the figurative kind. Lawyer jokes never get old and the idea of suing the dead and the sue-ance was pretty clever.

But my favorite part? When the two story lines came together in epic South Park fashion as the town attempted to sue the deceased John Harrington.  Yeah, he really does exist and he really did invent the flushing toilet.

In the end, I'm glad it all came down to Butters being right, a knock at the fact terrorist can still sneak things onto planes and the last bastion of American freedom being saved.

Now all of us hard working loggers can feel free to pee our feces in half. And, more importantly, men will never have to put the toilet seat down again. Unless we have to take a Sir Harrington.

Betsey's life and the boys' $500? A small price to pay. You know where to head for our favorite South Park quotes.  

And yes, for those keeping track at home, that was officially two season premieres in a row that began with some serious poo.

Reverse Cowgirl Review

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Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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South Park Season 16 Episode 1 Quotes

I warn you boys. A sue-ance can be very expensive.


Toilet time is the last bastion of American freedom.
