Modern Family Review: Dad vs. Dad

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Despite my adoration from Eric Stonestreet's Cameron Tucker, I was a little disappointed with the introduction of his father, Merle Tucker (Barry Corbin), on this week's Modern Family.

"The Last Walt" was an episode with a couple of different storylines running, unfortunately the dinner with Cam's dad was probably my least favorite. 

Cam's Father Visits

It would figure that Cam and Mitchell's fathers wouldn't be fans of each other. 

They ended up in a pissing contest about whose son was less feminine. Yes, they are from a different generation, where gender roles were more clearly defined and same sex couples weren't the norm, but times are different and I found it really weird that the writers included this in what is supposed to be a sitcom. A modern, liberal sitcom no less.

It felt small-minded and dated that Merle and Jay only bonded once they both admitted that they weren't 100% used to their sons' sexual preferences. Their argument over whose son was more feminine with the faux laughter may have been intended for real laughs, but it was all very meh. Besides, most of the men on this show are fairly feminine. Have you met Manny or Phil?!?

Manny had a minor storyline but it happened to be my favorite of the night. I love love love that Haley was able to outsmart her parents, Jay and Gloria by convincing them that she had a suitable chaperone. As we all saw, Manny was more than capable of acting like a babysitter. I adored when he lectured the girl on the steps about how she wasn't ready for sex.

Phil and Alex were cute. Only Phil would spend an entire day trying to make sure he could create a lasting memory for one of his children. Too bad he probably gave that waitress a nightmare to last a lifetime! But in all seriousness, it was especially sweet when he left Alex's initials on the moon sign at the diner.

Claire's awkwardness with talking about bad news is more common that you'd think. So is her prevalence for leaving the blinds open. Claire, haven't you ever heard of a peeping Tom? Well, I hope she gave Walt a good show while he was alive. May he rest in peace.

So was everyone as underwhelmed by this week's episode as I was? Hit the comments, write a eulogy for Walt, and don't forget to check out the best Modern Family quotes from this week.

The Last Walt Review

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Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

Thank you Uncle Manny!


It was very peaceful. Not the letter, that was full of threats.

Phil [about Walt's death]