Blue Bloods Review: Credible Threat

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When Blue Bloods decides to take us behind the scenes of a terror threat, it is a truly scary experience. "Mother's Day" featured Frank torn between taking the best course of action to stop a biological attack and calming a frantic mayor, combined with the pull to protect his own family.

When Erin called Frank to tell him that she, Linda and Nicky were about to hop on the subway I was shocked he didn't tell her to take a cab instead. If it were my family, I have no doubt I would have. Frank Reagan's a strong man.

Frank Must Stop a Terrorist Attack

A backpack sprayer sounded so simple. It's horrifying to believe it could be that deadly. What was scarier was that Frank was right. With so little time and information, telling the public would have only caused a wide spread panic. Once the terrorists heard the news they'd simply change there plan and the announcement would most likely save no one. 

I've actually witnessed an NYPD exercise in progress and it is an awesome sight. When you see NYPD officers on the street each day, it's easy to forget that there are over 30,000 of them out there protecting the city and thank goodness they are. 

Blue Bloods gave us a peek at what the stress must be like behind the scenes when a credible threat come through.

Of course, even with all the tension, we had Garrett to lighten things up in this Blue Bloods quote:

Frank: You're late.
Garrett: It's Saturday. Technically I'm a day and a half early. | permalink

Every week I love him a little more.

But the Reagans brought their own conflict as Danny and Jamie clashed yet again over who was the real cop. Was it a rookie versus detective issue or a brother thing?

Obviously it was a brother thing as nothing made Jamie happier than when Danny asked him to back him up. 

The child abduction case was just as terrifying as the terrorist plot but the reunion scene between mother and son was the weakest of the entire episode. Perhaps because they gave us very little detail about his life over the past two years. What did the kidnappers tell the boy? What did he think happened to his mom? I guess we'll never know.

It seemed apropos to end the season at the Reagan dinner table and although the Mother's day prayers were nice, they were a bit of a let down after the entertaining dinner conversations we've had all season. But all in all it was the end of another strong year of Blue Bloods. Now on to season 3!

Mother's Day Review

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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (54 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 2 Episode 21 Quotes

You want me to take your only granddaughter to the Boom Boom room?


Your mother was a true New Yorker. Her first love was her city.
