Awkward Review: Spiritually You're, Like, in Canada

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"Are You There God? It's Me, Jenna" certainly went all the way in terms of Church Camp: touching on homosexuality, some of the logical pitfalls of Christianity and the need for religion.

The episode revolved around Jenna’s guilt over her parents’ separation, and, to some extent, her issues with Matty. Jenna looking for solace or redemption leads her and Lacey to church, and right into Lissa’s forgiving arms.

Or maybe Jenna just went to Church Camp for taco party.

Hugs for Jenna

Whatever Jenna’s reasons, ultimately she found what she was looking for, and it wasn’t necessarily Jesus. While she came to understand that Lissa needed absolution from those around her and powers beyond her control, for Jenna receiving absolution and moving on from mistakes was about accepting that these things happen, and part of moving on from them is having a support system in place or risk drowning when left alone with unresolved feelings.

For everything Jenna did learn at camp, we can safely say that Sadie didn’t. No, Sadie was her typical you’re welcome self... and would we have it any other way? Leave it to Sadie to wonder how Mary could still get pregnant and be a virgin.

Lacey, meanwhile, learned how to be alone with Val. It was enjoyable learning all of Val’s different scenarios and stories she makes up for being alone because they’re so perfectly aligned with her character: sometimes sad, but always funny.

I’m not sure how I feel about Lacey being without Kevin. Sure, this is a new layer of storytelling for her, and I’m happy about that, but at this moment not a lot has changed from an audience perspective. Kevin shows up once in a while and gives some advice to Jenna, so the only difference now is the added separation layer.

But, Awkward hasn’t let me down yet, and why would it start now?

Finally tonight, Jenna’s stalker Kyle made a return visit, and while he’s no longer caring about whether or not Jenna Lives he does have a new interest in take it outside Tamara.

It’s interesting how much the five stages of grief comes up in Awkward, and Tamara’s Kyle feud follows it almost to the letter: first, in denial and isolation from being grounded and wondering if Kyle really is stalking her; during the Skype chat Tamara gets angry with him for not cutting it out, and then proceeds to bargain with him that he should at least complement her undertones. Depression and acceptance are a little mixed, Tamara accepts that Kyle is going to stalk her so she collects and binds all of her information for him, and when he proceeds to tell her take it outside is for kids spending too much time on their computers you can see Tamara become a little sad.

Before telling us what you thought about the episode here are the winning quotes!

Lissa: And then on Sunday Jesus forgives all your sins, and there's a taco party. | permalink

Tamara: Well, if they tell you to drink the Kool-Aid and take a nap. Don't. | permalink
Clark: I'm not totally sold on the whole Jesus being straight thing. All that time in the desert with 12 dudes and no women... | permalink
Sadie: I'm a pregnant woman who claims she's a virgin. So, decide for yourself. | permalink

Be sure to visit our Awkward quotes page for more!

Two more thoughts:

  • Lacey's boobs are certainly getting plenty of hero shots this year. First in the hot tub and now in church. It reminds us of Bangladeshi Boobies.
  • Remember when I was getting a little sick of Matty being a story wallflower? Well, it looks like that's about to change. This new girl caused him to sniff his armpits! I thought for sure we had moved past that. Now, the only question is how crazy will Jenna react, and will she arouse any suspicions from Jake?

Now, Awkward fans, what did you think of the episode?

Are You There God? It's Me, Jenna Review

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Awkward Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

I'm not totally sold on the whole Jesus being straight thing. All that time in the desert with 12 dudes and no women...


I'm a pregnant woman who claims she's a virgin. So, decide for yourself.
