Modern Family Review: Field of Dreams

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This week's Modern Family actually reminded me a bit of the episode on Modern Family Season 3 called "Punkin Chunkin." It was all about the dreamers versus the realists.

"Diamond In The Rough" presented the same kind of look at the relationships between the characters in the Dunphy-Pritchitt families. Except this time instead of dreamers and realists, it was gas pedals and brakes. It also switched up the roles a little. 

The House Flipping Scheme

As you can see above, it's our four main culprits in the photo above that are the gas pedals and the brakes. We all know that there must be balance in every relationship in order for it to work. Usually it's Cam and Phil who are the upbeat positive dreamers and Claire and Mitchell who are more pessimistic and realistic. After all, they are Jay's children - and have you met Jay? 

Sure, he makes good jokes and has a lot of wisdom to offer, but that's something that has definitely come with age and experience. He also has Gloria to balance him out. I loved their conversations in this episode with the baby. Honestly, if I were Gloria's fetus and heard her singing and screaming into that microphone, I'd be like: "Time to come out!"

I do love how Jay acknowledges his wife's great qualities even when he's poking fun at her. For instance, in the end when he told the baby that he hoped it didn't get her singing voice, but did get her self-confidence. That was awesome.

Claire wasn't feeling too confident this week. I actually felt really bad for her when she admitted to Cam that she'd applied to jobs and gotten rejected from all of them. I'm sure the dig Haley made at breakfast didn't help anything. Anyone else wondering what kind of job our loveable ditz Haley managed to snag? I loved seeing Claire take on a project with Cam. They are both creative people and hard workers. Plus it gave Cam a chance to whip out the overalls and drop an A League of Their Own reference.

Cam: Okay what did we learn from "A League of Their Own?"
Claire: No crying in baseball.
Cam: No, that Madonna's a lousy actress and so are you. So what's going on? | permalink

Better than their bonding moments were Phil and Mitchell's scheming. Mitchell with the evil double cross and then stroking the white cat was cracking me up! They both deserved to get caught if they were dumb enough to not realize they were talking smack on a group text. 

I can't wait to see what happens when they flip the house in 2013. With that and Gloria giving birth, we are looking at packed second half of the season.

Diamond In The Rough Review

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Modern Family Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

There's something about going to work that makes you feel like, I don't know, you're worth something. No offense mom.


His turn offs are farms, Fizbo, and worst of all Farmbo.

Claire [about Mitchell]