Wilfred Review: Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog

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My thorough enjoyment of "Delusion" gives me confidence that last week's disaster was just an aberration and not a sign of Wilfred trending downward without David Zuckerman at the helm this season.

Roommate Anne being away visiting her boyfriend - and not gone for good - does worry me, but let's cross that messy bridge when we come to it. For now, we can reflect on Jenna turning the big 3-0, and what that meant for our good friends Ryan and Wilfred.

Ryan and Jenna Chat

The scene of the night had to be when Wilfred and Ryan first sat down to write the dog's biography. From the differences between early and later George to the lack of transcendence in the Berenstain Bears, every single thing Wilfy said about children's books was hilarious.

The writing process, which led to Wilfy putting a shock collar on Ryan, and eventually ended with Ry screwing up all his big plans for Jenna's party, was a great chapter in the Wilfred story book.

The final result, however, like many Wilfred episodes, was emotional and downright sad.

The fact that Wilfy wrote such a nice story about his love for Jenna had me wondering whether it was actually the dog coming to his senses and doing a good thing for his friend, or if it was really about getting Ryan to read those beautiful words so that Jenna would take notice of her neighbor.

Obviously this story didn't end in happily ever after because instead of telling Jenna how he felt in that moment, Ry-Am-Woman-Here-Me-Roar decided to take a step back and smoke weed in his basement.

The formula Wilfred has right now has worked so well that I would be cautious of ever thinking of actually getting Ryan and Jenna together, but at some point these will-they/won't-they arcs will get annoying.

There were plenty of other laughs throughout "Delusion." Check out some of our highlights from the installment below, and then go to our Wilfred quotes page for all the best lines from the series.

  • Wilfred: Then I guess it's up to Drew to make up for his shitty party by hitting it later that night from the front...human style.
  • Sarcastic tail wagging
  • Ryan: I'll tell my kids about you.
    Wilfred: I appreciate that Ryan, but to have kids you need to have sex.
  • "Can I have the business section?" Bites it, spits it out.
  • Drew: I've never really been a taco guy. I don't speak Spanish so...
  • Drew's disappointment when Ryan tells him he can't make balloon animals
  • Kristen: Why weren't you waiting for me in the driveway to help me?
    Ryan: You're an hour early.
    Kristen: So?
  • Wilfred: Either roll the dice and go for it, knowing that I will bite off and eat your dick, or, stop hanging around with her.

What did you all think of "Delusion?" Was it one of your favorites so far this season? Or did it miss the mark? What were the funniest parts? What didn't you like? And are you upset that the naps in between your adventures and hijinks will be forgotten after you're gone?

Delusion Review

Editor Rating: 4.0 / 5.0
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Rating: 3.0 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Wilfred Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Then I guess it's up to Drew to make up for his shitty party by hitting it later that night from the front...human style.


Ryan, if you don't take this thing off of me right now, I'm going to give myself dead possum breath and breathe in your face.
