Chicago Fire Review: Learning to Cope

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The grieving process is different for everyone, as a wrongful death lawsuit loomed over Station 51 on Chicago Fire Season 2 Episode 17.

Parts of the installment hit better than others.

The lawsuit brought to light the land mines that appear on and off the job. It is not enough for everyone to risk their lives outside of the job because there's an inherent risk of losing their jobs and livelihoods through frivolous lawsuits.

There's something to be said for processing grief differently, but when grief takes someone to that kind of extreme, real help is necessary.

The real star of the deposition showdown was the camaraderie of all in the room. Stoic silence filled the air with a silent confidence as Casey retold the entire story - and his compassion for the grieving widow shined through even during the middle of the lawsuit.

Kelly only stepped in as the burden of the story grew too much for Casey. 

The call did echo similar themes to the call that gave Casey a good whacking on head. He was also saving a baby, but while Casey was lucky enough to survive, the same heroics cannot be said for the father that shielded his children from the flames.

Casey's reaction trying to revive him might have brought up those painful memories, but, more importantly, he refused to believe the children should be without their father. 

Jones was much more tolerable this week. There's forever a push and pull to her likeability in what seems like every episode, but Jones works better as a someone to root for than an antagonist to Dawson or getting streamrolled by her father.

Jones is trying her best to fit in. She's trying to put Mills' advice into practice, yet when Dawson dropped the bombshell on her of her father's plans, all of Jones' inhibition goes away. 

Jones, as she was running out of the bar, thought her chances of being a firefighter were gone because of her dad's agenda. She was not worried about what she looked like in front of her coworkers and she was not going to keep her feelings for Mills tucked away either.

Jones has been looking for a way to fit in with the rest of the house and this is the beginning of her chance to do so. Every man and woman in the firehouse is all about breaking a few rules. 

Kelly's interactions with Bloom fit his character, but Bloom recognized the type of guy he is and rejected the help. There's really no sympathy for Bloom at this point. The man is in a poor state of mind, but Kelly's hands are tied until Bloom wants to help himself. Bloom only serves to bring the rest of episode down. 

Finally, Ramsey's explanations to Dawson sounded a little too perfect. I'm still convinced the man is a creepy stalker. I'm glad Dawson filed a report; I just wish she didn't ask Jones to get him unfired. 

Is Ramsey a stalker or just misunderstood?


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