Elementary Review: An Ear-y Investigation

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On this installment of Elementary, Sarah Cushing, who has been missing for four years, suddenly turns up when her ears are given to her husband, who was believed to be her killer.

When Elementary Season 2 Episode 17 picks up, Lestrade had been a resident of the Brownstone for 19 days - and, in that time, he managed to turn into a bum, clothes and all.

When Watson gives Lestrade a deadline to get out of the house, he attempts to find his footing as a detective yet again.

Along with the ear puns, the infamous "Bad Day" ringtone continued to make its comedic appearance. My question is: does Lestrade know that his ringtone is a terrible song and a stab at his lifestyle? Hilarious!

Speaking of Lestrade, did anyone else notice that his out-of-work clothes looked like he mugged a bum to get them? Come on, man, you go from fitted suits to that? You're better than that Gareth.

If there is anyone that could motive Lestrade to get back on his feet, it was going to be Watson. Honestly, there is no one better than Watson. Not only is she smart, she's genuine. She isn't going to baby you, she's going to tell you how it is and inspire you at the same time.

I truly started to believe, like Lestrade, that Sherlock set him up to get back on his feet. However, I was pleasantly surprised that Holmes had nothing to do with it. Lestrade's feeling of inadequacy and mediocrity were false as he solved the case in a matter of moments.

Elsewhere, the case was this: Sarah disappeared and her husband, Gordon, was the presumed killer... until Sarah's ears showed up in a box at Gordon's home four years later. Here's the twist: Sarah was alive and had grew identical ears on her back.

This case goes down as Elementary's most unique.

It seems Sarah didn't realize that no ear is like another. Just as Watson is like no other and she is not to Sherlock was Lestrade was to him. They're different and Lestrade does not know him better than Joan. End of story.

The countdown continues as we approach the final episodes of the Elementary Season 2. I can feel the tension building already, can you?

Did you think that Sherlock set up the case for Lestrade to solve?

Ears to You Review

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Elementary Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

That’s the kind of man I am, I leave keys under doormats


I used to keep a collection of notorious crimes from other countries but I lost the habit when I had my habit.
