Awkward Review: New Beginnings

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Jenna and Tamara escaped from high school to go on a tour of Kevin's Alma Mater on Awkward Season 4 Episode 5

By the end, both ladies came away from the visit with substantial different ideas about college. 

Jenna returned from the experience similar to how she came away from Collin in regards to Luke: she's got a thing for the intellectual guy.

Luke could end up being similar to Collin or he can end be way better. His chemistry with Jenna is palpable and they fit together well with their shared interest of English.

However, like Collin, Luke is still mostly mysterious to us. 

Jenna's a rather unique character in that she has high school problems, but she's always felt connected to the intellectual space of college. She's constantly being pulled in these two different directions:

To have fun and enjoy high school and let it be her focus... yet Jenna's writing and general personality feel more connected to college. Jenna is very much still discovering herself, but college, even more so than high school, is the freeing experience necessary to really figure out who we are as a person. 

If Awkward can find its groove again (tonight was another improvement), following Jenna to college could be invigorating for the series. 

The college trip provided much needed doses of Lacey and Kevin by shedding some more light on what happened to them after high school and with Jenna. Kevin has the opportunity to go to college and get his degree while Lacey was raising Jenna. 

If Awkward does go to college, bring Lacey along for the experience. Let Lacey find her passion and give Jenna even more hell from a semi-close location. 

Finally, Sadie, Matty, and Eva had some fun time at Matty's place. During these moments, Sadie really encompasses the feeling I get from Eva: complete annoyance.

Sadie doesn't really care at all about Eva, nor does she think Eva brings anything to the table other than being a worldly, well traveled bragger. Sadie drops an interesting line about Gossip Girl regarding Eva's stories being mostly retold episodes - and Eva says it's rather true to life. 

With all the pictures and Instagramming, Eva could soon be Palos Verde High School's very own Dan Humphrey. Her picture of Matty and Sadie after a night of confessions - and putting to rest any chance of Matty and Sadie getting together - feels very XO XO, doesn't it? 

Is Eva going to do some blackmail with Matty and Sadie?

Overnight Review

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Awkward Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Eva: Sadie, I really admire how comfortable you are with your body. You're so brave.
Sadie: I'm not brave. I have amazing tits unlike you and your sad floppers.

O to the M to the F to the G. This place is a pinterest board full of bangable dudes.
