Continuum Review: It Has Begun

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Damn. Continuum hasn't been renewed for a fourth season.

There have been many sci-fi shows who have left us with a kick-ass cliffhanger to which we were never given a conclusion. Invasion, Jericho and Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles come to mind as examples. 

What we had in Continuum Season 3 Episode 13 was a new beginning. All of the work our trusty heroes and heroines did to thwart the futures they had seen was for naught. 

There are some dangling pieces out there that should have lead us to this conclusion, but it was too easy to imagine that the moments were miniscule and would soon be obsolete. We learned here never to underestimate Kellog.

What's amazing about this is that even with Brad coming back with knowledge of Kellog pulling strings in his timeline, he was unable to adequately predict what the scoundrel might do. Essentially, Kellog made any big showdown between the Alecs useless.

There was a big showdown between the Alecs. CAlec wanted to move forward with Halo and the remaining members of Liber8, newly awakened Kira, her partner Carlos and Brad worked together to stop the successful rollout of a product that not only intruded upon the individual rights of the people, but was years ahead of its time. The launch of such an invasive product alone should have scared many.

Seeing CAlec being touted as the new Steve Jobs was the weakest point of the finale. Was Julian still working with CAlec to promote Halo? Without his intuitive understanding of the human psyche, it makes no sense that the world was going wild over an invasive tool for the government to track your every move.

I realize the series is produced in Canada and things may be different there. I have many friends in the area and I don't believe that personal tracking is something they would welcome. Here in the U.S., the citizens fight adamantly against even producing a piece of ID to vote. If we hauled out Halo, all hell would break loose.

So, the squealing teens with their CAlec T-shirts for a device advertised as a health and lifestyle oracle (Halo, get it?) putting peace of mind within reach is bull. The audience should have been full of pharmaceutical reps, doctors and old folks hoping for the miracle of an extended life. Ah well. Nothing is perfect.

Stopping Halo was supposed to stop all of their futures from coming to fruition. CAlec was kidnapped (thank you Carlos!) and Alec took his place. Unfortunately, that wild card Kellog had all of that under control. 

It was easy to forget that Curtis went to Kellog in a diner and they made some sort of deal. It seemed such a slight scene at the time. We never learned what came of it. It's safe to assume now that the "traveler" the Freelancers were holding had all of the information necessary about the future to ensure it comes true.

Unless I'm wrong, the future we see in the waning minutes of the finale belongs to Brad. His beacon (THAT's what the device in the safety deposit box was!) was supposed to send a signal back if they didn't succeed in thwarting the nasty future. We don't know who devised the beacon, but if we're to scope out Brad's future, it was Kellog.

Curtis and the "traveler" had to have been using Kellog to do what they couldn't. He had the ins with CAlec and could talk him into signing away his rights to Piron. If Piron (and no doubt what would have been Sadtech) is Kellog's to run, with the help of Curtis and the "traveler" then it's also likely, given Kellog's status in what we saw of Brad's timeline, that they were instrumental in ensuring things turned out exactly as they wished.

Brad was a dupe. He was sent back to manipulate Kiera and Liber8 into doing exactly what the future ("traveler" and Kellog) wanted. Is the "traveler" an older Kellog? It's starting to seem that way. Someone must have figured things out and ended their reign of terrorism on personal freedoms and utilized a time device going back set the trap again. It was a great way to keep their desires in tact.

Oh. It's just brilliant, really. We all thought that Kiera was the key and she would be able to set things straight, but by standing by Liber8 and killing CAlec, she may have played right into their hands. If there isn't a renewal, I fully expect the plans to be laid out before the faithful viewers.

Interesting Bits:

  • It's so amazing to think someone would rather erase their husband and child from their timeline than force and entire country (world?) to go through the future she endured without personal freedom. Kiera kicks ass.
  • Kiera and Brad together is comfortable and makes sense. Even if they were pushed there by unnatural forces, they do have kindred spirits that few can understand.
  • Did anyone else catch that Dillon didn't die? When CAlec was on Firing Point, the host mentioned hopes of his full recovery. That's gonna leave a mark.
  • The Alecs showdown was pretty intense. Their ridiculously similar taste in fashion (alright, CAlec only when he wants to appeal to the masses, but still) made it damn difficult to be certain who died. Only one knew of the glass prison, however.
  • What was CAlec hoping to do with the giant Toblerone Orange Time Device slice? If he came so close to making one, why didn't he make it the proper size? Something has to be up with that.
  • The Freelancers lair being taken over by Liber8 makes me wonder if they don't eventually become the organization thorough an odd time-loop dawn. The "traveler" knows all and seems to be pulling the strings.
  • It's very cool that the finale didn't reset time again, but instead brought the future into the present through some sort of wormhole that was activated by the beacon (didn't you get that impression?). It seems Brad's future starts right now.

This was an absolutely amazing season and a very fitting finale. We don't currently have any doubles that we know of left. The "traveler" is the outlier. Is that an elderly, dreadlocked Kellog? It wouldn't surprise me if that bastard made it forward 1000 years only to return to ensure he could do it all over again.

What did you think of the finale? Are you aching for more? Watch Continuum online because right now that's all we have. Here's hoping we meet again!

Who is the "traveler"?

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Continuum Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Kiera: I just feel like I have this bizarre perspective that nobody will ever understand. Except you.
Brad: It's like we're two sides of the same argument.
Kiera: The genius is not to have the argument.

For the first time in a long time, he feels closer. But I feel like I belong here. Sam is part of a dream I had. And the funny thing is, even with Liber8 trying to destroy everything that lead to him, somehow he still feels possible.
