A to Z Season 1 Episode 1 Review: A Is for Acquaintances

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Andrew is a romantic, Zelda, a realist. Put them together, time their relationship - down to the hour - and you have a new TV show resembling your favorite romantic comedy. 

It's hard to judge a show by its pilot episode. However, based on A to Z Season 1 Episode 1, the show looks like it will be a fun story to watch. Though a show beginning with a bug flying-in-mouth gag may not seem like there's a lot of hope for it

First off, nothing brought me back to the days of quality Disney Channel movies more than listening to the voice of Katey Sagal (from Smart House) narrate the show. Sure, most people know her from Sons of Anarchy nowbut the only voice I was hearing was Pat, the Smart House.

Ben Feldman of Mad Men and Cristin Milioti, from How I Met Your Motherhave the perfect chemistry for romantic leads. Even as individuals, their characters are lovable and endearing to watch. You want to root for them -- together and apart; althought part of that may have to do with Cristin's ill-fated, just as lovable, character on HIMYM (RIP, Tracy McConnell).  

But, what good would the leads be without their friends? Stu and Stephie, Andrew and Zelda's friends, respectively, are the eccentric sidekicks. They both seem like carbon copies of stereo-typical "best friends" in romantic comedies, meaning complete opposites to their friends. I'm not sold on them yet, but who knows, after a second episode they could grow on me, especially since they have their own "relationship" now.

The only bone I have to pick with the installment was with some of its supporting characters. It's a good thing that the leads are as appealing as they are because, if not for them, it would be hard to enjoy this as much I did due to the other characters, like Andrew's co-workers from the online dating site.

Right now, I don't see the appeal of Andrew's boss, other than to be some sort of antagonist for the show. I'm hoping that either her personality changes or she just gets funnier but, for now, she's just the downside.

The episode was thoroughly entertaining to stick with and it was hard to find just 'one-liners'. But, the actions and conversations among Andrew and Stu, Andrew and Zelda and even Andrew and Lea Thompson (to come later), made the show fun and enjoyable to watch.

But back to Lea Thompson, and what may be one my favorite celebrity cameos. Andrew approaches Lea Thompson about a burning question involving Back to the Future II and hover boards. After she destroys his dreams of hover boards not existing, we see Andrew's best moment of the episode as he tries to hold back tears. That may be the moment I fell for the character.

It gets even better when Lea Thompson uses said hover board to get around her house. The perfect moment is perfect.

I thoroughly loved this pilot and saw so much potential for what it could become as we see Andrew and Zelda progress in their relationship. It has a lot of heart and a lot of comedy that can, and should, be enjoyed by all. 

A Is for Acquaintances Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (31 Votes)

Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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A to Z Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

The idea is to keep them paying the monthly fee. They won't do that if they get married


You can try a child as an adult, but not the other way around....No. It does not matter if the crime is adorable.
