Forever Season 1 Episode 3 Review: The Fountain of Youth

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What lengths would you go to in order to live forever?

I'm sure that was the number one question on viewers minds after watching Forever Season 1 Episode 3

The episode followed a mysterious shake that once consumed made you younger. It sounds perfect, right? If any of you are thinking of trying it, remember to check for side effects -- because it kills you!

I enjoyed this episode a lot. It was so different from the first two episodes. So far this season we've had a subway crash, two murder-suicides and now this mysterious shake and we're only three episodes in!

The standout development for me was that Abe was on the list of patients. I kind of had an idea he would want to live longer to be with Henry. When this was all confirmed, it made wonder what Henry would do in the event that Abe passed away. Through three episodes it is evident that Henry needs Abe in his life. Abe helps Henry rationalize situations. They both lean on each other for moral support.  

When Abe followed the young evil genius who created the deadly concoction, Henry was understandably scared. How would he cope with losing the one and only confidante he has? Henry was genuinely worried about him and vice versa. I really like how the writers manage to weave Abe into the main storylines each week without it seeming forced.

Sometimes I worry. I mean I think, who's gonna take care of you when I'm gone?


I had an idea the doctor's girlfriend was behind this. This was in part due to the reaction on her face at the party. She didn't expect people to die with it, but accepted she was responsible. Then she got ready to end it all and jump in front of a train; but Henry, being the kind man he is, managed to save her.

The doctor from the adverts was all kinds of creepy. Did anyone else think he resembled a young J.R Ewing from Dallas' early days? It was good how he knew the police were onto him and asked for a warrant. I half expected him to have run away before they returned with one. 

They didn't have to return with one, however. Henry made the woman drop her bag and managed to swiftly snatch one of her beloved sachets of youth. Did anyone else notice Henry's techniques rubbing off on Jo when she asked for a business card to get fingerprints?

I was shocked to see the doctor die so early into the episode, but I understand why he had to die so early. It was to keep us guessing as to what was really happening. Did anyone else feel sick to their stomach when they found out that the secret ingredient was brains?

Can you tell this moron that i'm here on official police business?


I enjoyed the flashbacks again this week. It was refreshing that they didn't follow Henry and Abigail. They focused on Henry and an old friend who was dying from tuberculosis. Henry was trying to find a cure to save him, but the man decided it was time to die. It was a bit heartbreaking to see someone accept their fate so easily. I'm sure he just wanted to live out the rest of his days peacefully.

Your gonna break the window.


One of the closing scenes featured a scene between Henry and Jo wherein she said she has no one. It was quite somber. Henry feels her pain. He has lost many loved ones over his life. These two have a lot more in common than they think.

There were no new developments on the stalker front this week. I was kind of against this at first, but the series is a procedural at heart. 

This week's episode was another strong one. There is so much to like about this show, but for me the best part is the characterization. All of these characters are so well fleshed out. They feel so real and I can't wait to get to know them further. I also can't wait to find out more about the stalker. Remember you can watch Forever online right here on TV Fanatic if you've missed out on the fun!

What did you think of the episode? Did you enjoy the case? Sound off below!

The Fountain of Youth Review

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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (39 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Forever Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Your gonna break the window.


Sometimes I worry. I mean I think, who's gonna take care of you when I'm gone?
