The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 7 Review: The Misinterpretation Agitation

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Is it wrong to be a sexy scientist? What about celebrating that sexiness?

Bernadette was honored to be selected as one of the 50 sexiest female scientists in California on The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 7. While she was supported by Penny, Amy had a very different perspective on the honor. Amy felt is was inappropriate for Bernadette to be acknowledged for her sexiness rather than strictly on the body of her work.

Complementing that storyline, Penny's flirting with a client doctor, Dr. Lorvis, led to him pursuing a romantic relationship with her. He was a bit over the top, but his interactions with the guys were hilarious. 

It wasn't much of a surprise that Bernadette and Amy had  opposing points of view regarding the sexiest scientist honor. While part of it is probably jealousy, it also comes from their own comfort with their bodies and sexuality. Amy has always been a more guarded in that way, which is why she's stuck with Sheldon as long as she has regardless of their lack of sexual relations.

It also wasn't surprising that Amy contacted the magazine and had the article pulled. Bernadette had every right to be upset with Amy, though her retort  that "no one wants you to express yours" was overly hurtful. Ouch. That shows how close their friendship has gotten though. Only the best of friends know those specific hurt points.

Would you want to see "Neil deGrasse Tyson in a wet T-shirt bent over the hood of a Porsche."?

The sexiest female scientist question raised is a common one these days. I enjoyed the exchanges a lot, especially because I see both points of view as valid. As a female, I should probably side with one of them over the other, but I understand both. I'm interested to see how people who feel strongly one way or the other feel about how the show handled the controversy. Hit up the comments with your thoughts!

While Bernadette's sexiness was a topic of controversy, Penny's flirting with client doctors led to a different problem. She had an admirer and he was fixated on her even after finding out she was engaged. Billy Bob Thornton was able to capture Dr. Lorvis' creepiness in one moment and then portray him as a "normal guy" the next.

When Lorvis hit on Amy, I hoped he would stick around another episode and challenge Sheldon's place in her heart. A Dr. Lorvis-Amy date would be hilarious and in a way they seemed like a better match than Amy and Sheldon. Oh well. It's not to be, though perhaps he'll show up again.

As fixated as Lorvis was on Penny, the guys were the same way about his stories and his game room. By the end of the episode, each of the guys would have likely accepted a marriage proposal from Lorvis just to have access to that game room.  

What was your favorite moment? Made you laugh the most? Is it wrong for Bernadette to use her sexuality, but okay for Penny? Why or why not?

Need more laughs? Check out our The Big Bang Theory quotes section and watch The Big Bang Theory online.

The Misinterpretation Agitation Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 7 Quotes

Okay, what's the big deal? Look, if it helps me make a sale with a physician, I don't think it hurts to flirt a little. I mean, laugh at their joke, touch their arm, maybe crank up the AC in the car beforehand, you know, to wake up the girls.


Amy: Bernadette is a successful microbiologist. She should be celebrated for her achievements, not her looks. I mean, what kind of message does that send?
Penny: I think the message is -- "Check out the rack on that scientist."