Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Jake and Sophia

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On Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2 Episode 6, Jake may have finally met his match when Sophia (Guest star Eva Longoria) shares his loves of not only hot wings, but Die Hard movies.

But what happens when he discovers that she's a defense attorney? Some of the funniest movies of the season!

Let's find out!

Jake, Sophia and Terry

Jake, seemingly done pining after Amy, decides to throw himself out there. But after a disastrous date with a woman even more closed off than Rosa (who knew such a thing were possible?!), he isn't feeling too confident.

Not to overstate, but I'm definitely going to die alone and work is all I have.

After some convincing from Terry, who bonded over the singer Meat Loaf with his wife (can you picture Terry jamming out to "I Would Do Anything For Love"? Greatest visual ever!) Jake decides to approach Sophia and they eventually bond over hot wings. Ahhh, love.

But the next day, as Jake is awash with a post-coital glow, in walks Sophia who is the new defense attorney on the case and neither of them is too happy about it.

Terry: You slept with a defense attorney! You literally had sex with the enemy!
Jake: I know! It's like if John McClane had sex with Hans Gruber or WORSE Jeremy Irons from the third one!

Sophia has an equally funny Die Hard response:

Sophia: I can't believe I had sex with a cop. It's like I had sex with Hans Gruber.
Jake: You're the Gruber!
(courtroom stares)
Jake: Die Hard

After Sophia destroys Jake's star witness, his case crumbles and the verdict is Not Guilty. But the case is less about the outcome and more about the developing relationship between Jake and Sophia. Plus, when you're a goofball like Jake, it's important to suffer a minor career setback every once in a while to keep you focused. So while he may not have gotten the perp, Jake does have the girl. For now, at least.

Amy, Rosa, Scully and Capt. Holt

In the 'B' plot of the episode, we see Rosa who goes out of her way to get Amy to run  against Scully for Union Rep. While Scully is probably one of the funniest characters on the show, he's not exactly competent most of the time.

Amy balks at running because as she sees it, running for Union Rep means clashing with the establishment, something she is loathe to do since she wants to one day become Captain. Can we just make it a rule that we have to see Capt. Holt in a flashback a minimum of 10 times per season? The afro alone makes it worthwhile.

Capt. Holt eventually persuades Amy to run in this great quote:

Capt. Holt: Because you're royally screwing up!
Amy: Oh no! This isn't a pow wow. It's a haraunging!
Capt. Holt: It is! Stop trying to tank this election. You know damn well, you'd make a great Union Rep!

Amy is persuaded and in her speech even Scully is clapping for her when she suggests bringing back snacks from her Party Sub. Mmmm, Party Sub snacks.

Boyle and Gina

Finally, in the 'C' plot of the episode, we have Boyle and Gina dealing with the aftermath of their "breakup." Can it technically be called that since they were just as Boyle describes "poke partners"?

I guess it's officially over. It was slightly less gross than expected. Way to be.


The antics of trying to get the hotel room range from Gina, convincing Boyle that his favorite food blog has taken an interest (kind of like how I got the TV Fanatic gig, but not real) and Boyle convincing Gina that she has an audition with the "Most High Tina KNOWLES" pronounced "KNO-W-LES" were my favorite bits.

Eventually, the pair winds up working an overnight while their parents enjoy the hotel room in their place. Does this mean a previous generation of Boyle and Linetta have become poke partners? God, I hope so! How ridiculously amazing would that be?

Is anyone else pleasantly surprised that Gina's real name is Regina? Will Jake and Sophia go the distance or does his heart still belong to Amy? Sound off below!

Thanks for reading my inaugural review for TV Fanatic, and don't forget, you can always watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine online via TV Fanatic any time!

Jake and Sophia Review

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Ariana Guzman is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Terry: You slept with a defense attorney! You literally had sex with the enemy!
Jake: I know! It's like if John McClane had sex with Hans Gruber or WORSE Jeremy Irons from the third one!

Sophia: I can't believe I had sex with a cop. It's like I had sex with Hans Gruber.
Jake: You're the Gruber!
(courtroom stares)
Jake: Die Hard