Law & Order SVU Season 16 Episode 7 Review: Chicago Crossover

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On Law & Order: SVU Season 16 Episode 7, the crossover festivities continued as members of Chicago PD joined forces with our Special Victims Unit in order to save a young boy from a grim fate. 

Although the origins of this story arc can only be witnessed on Chicago Fire, and the conclusion is reserved for Chicago PD, tonight's episode of Law & Order was packed with tense situations and a truly disturbing premise. 

Undoubtedly wanting the three-part crossover to be impactful, the ensemble plot featured a long-running child pornography ring, with victims very close to home. 

Despite not following either of the other shows, I felt for Lindsay's pursuit of her brother. Teddy suffered atrocities at the hands of unimaginably depraved men, and was forced to replicate their gross actions himself. This abuse is directly responsible for his current state of mind, but the reconciliation with his friend-turned-victim, Jocelyn, and aiding the search for Henry, seemed to ground him a bit. He was allowed to get his darkest secrets off his chest. 

It was better if it was me, not somebody else.


The interpersonal dynamics were also entertaining to be privy to. There were subtle moments, such Rollins and Amaro saying "we get it," after Halstead denied any sort of relationship with Lindsay, and then there were the not so subtle moments where Voight almost simulated raping a suspect to get his point across.

You know what it feels like to be raped George? Powerless.


I have to admit, I'm a big fan of Voight just after this hour. However, Benson did have a point when she advocated doing things by the book.

I had a partner who used to work like that. Sometimes it was effective. Sometimes it led to false confessions and false convictions.


Actually, both Sergeants proved to be extremely driven this hour. Benson had that awesome takedown of George, while Voight continued drill home his point in his own threatening manner. 

Voight: I'm not allowed to bounce a guy around but you're allowed to threaten that I will?
Benson: I'm just using the cards I've been dealt.

I liked watching both Sergeants work together in order to save another poor boy's innocence, although it was likely too late in the grand scheme of things.

Amidst all this intense drama, at least baby Noah seemed to be having the time of his life - there's nothing like getting pushed on the swing, is there? 

After you watch Chicago PD online to catch the ending of this storyline, watch Law & Order: SVU online and see the various teams join together all over again.

It was a bold, and probably complicated, move to tie these three shows together, but the premise definitely delivered a strong episode of SVU. Check out the Law & Order Quotes page in order to relive your favorite moments, and comment below with your thoughts about this whole crossover business.

Chicago Crossover Review

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