Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 15 Review: Power Players

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Frank and the mayor faced off once again, Erin went to Iowa and Eddie and Jamie had a dangerous run in with The Civilian Patrol on Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 15

Frank and Mayor Poole have such on oddly contentious relationship. When the mayor asked Frank to look at the big picture, all I could think was that they were looking at two very different pictures, big or not.

The Mayor wanted to save his Deputy Mayor. Frank wanted his officers to get the pension increase they deserved but as Frank pointed out, those two things should not be a part of the same discussion. 

As much as I laughed at how Gormley jumped on the quid pro quo bandwagon when he thought it meant an increase in the pension plan, Frank was right. any favor he did for the mayor could easily be used against him as a bargaining chip for more favors in the future. It was a slippery slope and one wrong step was all it would take to slide down. 

In the end, Officer Butler turned out to be a decent guy who didn’t want to see someone get jammed up over wearing a Red Sox cap. Although perhaps Ray McClaine needs to grow a thicker skin if be plans on wearing a Boston hat in NYC. 

Erin and Alex caught a flight Iowa to try and convince a mob informant to come back and testify. As much as I enjoyed the adventure of this storyline, I kept wishing they’d all stop mentioning Iowa so much. If one person connected to the mob heard that, it wouldn’t take them long to track Vincent down. 

Once again, I thought Erin and Alex made a great team. They both fight for justice. They’re both willing to go the extra mile and they work really well together. It makes me wonder if they’d do just as well in a more personal setting. 

Finally we get to Jamie and Eddie. It was obvious that over eager Andy was going to get either himself or someone else killed. I enjoyed the bit of debate about Civilian Patrols. Are they truly a double edged sword? Yes, the public becomes invested in their own neighborhood safety but do they mostly attract cop wannabes who couldn’t make the cut and have little to no training? 

I didn’t think Eddie was completely wrong when she told off Andy. He was being nice and trying to thank her for saving his life but his life wouldn’t have been in danger to begin with if he had simply listened to what he was told. 

Eddie was understandably shaken up after killing the drug dealer who attempted to fire on her and as she explained in this Blue Bloods quote, she found it confusing…

Eddie: This was a really bad guy, so why do I feel so guilty?
Jamie: Because you're a good guy.

And then after days of no sleep and no tears she broke down in Jamie’s arms when she asked for his help. Will this be a turning point in their relationship? They’re great together and as much as I’d like to see them take that step into a romantic relationship, I also like them as partners and the two cannot coincide. 

But one of my favorite moments was when Danny referenced the comm-stat numbers and how no matter how bad it seems, the city is safer now than it’s ever been and then the entire family knocked on wood.

You can watch Blue Bloods online any time here at TV Fanatic. 

Power Players Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (23 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

Frank: That went well.
Mayor Poole: What went well?
Frank: The difficult transition from talking about me to talking about me in front of me.

WITSEC's not an ATM. You can't make deposits and withdrawals whenever you feel like it.

Marshall Morgan