Helix Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Oubliette

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Well, Brother Michael is an immortal. Not a major shock, I've theorized about that in my previous reviews. However Helix Season 2 Episode 5 confirmed the fact, and we saw his silver peepers.

Peter joined Alan in Michael's oubliette (or secret dungeon), where the two brothers struggled with their past. That's one conversation that was long overdue.

And Sister Agnes played an important role this week, which clearly meant her demise was near.

I wasn't expecting this installment to open with Kyle agreeing to gather intel on Alan for the FBI. I mean, he always seemed too interested in Alan, but for some reason I thought he was part of Ilaria not the government. That was an interesting little twist, I liked it.

Good thing Kyle found Sarah, she was a bloody mess wasn't she? And Sister Agnes stepped up, and spoke more than three lines this week. I knew right away she wouldn't make it out of the episode alive. Doesn't it always happen that way? A relatively minor character has their moment to shine before they're shockingly murdered in the episode.  

While I understood Peter's point about containment, Kyle was absolutely right they should have split St.Germaine a while ago. The longer they stay, the closer Texas gets to becoming the next Doreen.

Did Peter really think Brother Michael would help? If so, he either hasn't been paying attention or just isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Kyle: We should tell these people about the honey before it turns the entire flock into a bunch of raving maniacs.
Peter: If we go wide with this it could create a panic.
Kyle: Are we on the same island? I just got stoned by a bunch of kids. And someone just stabbed Sarah. We're so far past panic, it would take the light from panic a hundred years to reach us.

I was disappointed Peter ratted Alan out, what a jerk right? He got what was coming to him joining Alan in that pit. The comment about Jules would have pushed me over the edge as well. That was a pretty low blow dude. I didn't feel bad when Alan left Peter in there and escaped. He confessed he knew his brother worked for Ilaria too, Peter's so screwed.

Michael didn't appreciate that line from Jurassic Park did he? "Sometimes nature finds a way" Anne said, before Michael dripped poisonous sap in her mouth. Of course, he rendered the poison useless. He's quite the control freak, Brother Michael; even when it comes to nature.

In the future, we caught up with Julia. While Caleb sewed her up (gross) they had a pleasant chat with an amusing line about Wolverine.

Julia: Something's not right.
Caleb: You're not gonna die on me are you? I didn't think that was possible.
Julia: I'm already dying.
Caleb: I know, you told me; TXM-7. I thought you were...
Julia: Immortal, not indestructible. I don't age, I heal faster than you, but I can't grow a finger; I'm not Wolverine.
Caleb: Who's Wolverine?

Hatake came up in the conversation and the fact Jules mentioned she's unsure whether or not he's dead tells me he'll be back. Caleb mentioned he has issues with his own father, he never met him. In my Helix Season 2 Episode 1 review, I mentioned Caleb was Sarah and Alan's son. That theory still holds.

Kyle's chase through the orchards accompanied by that disco track was hilarious. Helix has always used music in interesting ways, but this has to be one of the most memorable in the show's run. By the way, is it me or were those damn bees ginormous? Sister Amy put the moves on Kyle again, I have a feeling Landry will be the death of him.

Interestingly enough, the cave scene cut to Sarah waking after her attack. Sister Agnes easily figured out Sarah was immortal and pregnant. I had a feeling that would lead to a major confrontation with Brother Michael. Her speech about one's legacy was powerful.

Children are the only thing that last, nothing else matters. I've cared for hundreds of people on this island, saved many lives, but when I'm gone I'll be nothing more than a picture on a wall. But through our children, we live forever.

Sister Agnes

When Sister Agnes knocked Sarah out, I knew she was going for the contact lenses. I'd be pissed too if an immortal lied to me all my life, allowing me to wither away and die. If all these women (the ladies on the wall as well) are Brother Michael's daughters, why are they not immortal? Did he somehow graft that trait out of them like the poisonous plant?

So Sister Agnes joins the others on the wall. How brutal was her death scene? One minute Brother Michael is caressing her, the next he snaps her neck like a twig. Michael mentioned Sarah "wasn't there." Was there an event that turned these folks immortal?

I'm not sure where the Julia/Caleb arc is going, but he's got Hatake's sword now. What does he want with it? Any guesses?

What did you think of "Oubliette"? Are Kyle's days numbered? Is Sarah still pregnant and is Caleb her son? Did some kind of event turn Michael and his kind immortal? You're up Helix fanatics, hit me with your best theories in the comments below. 

Miss any of the madness? Remember you can watch Helix online via TV Fanatic at any time if you need to catch up.

NOTE: Helix Season 2 Episode 6 is titled "M. Domestica" and airs on Friday, February 20.

Oubliette Review

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Helix Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Julia: Something's not right.
Caleb: You're not gonna die on me are you? I didn't think that was possible.
Julia: I'm already dying.
Caleb: I know, you told me; TXM-7. I thought you were...
Julia: Immortal, not indestructible. I don't age, I heal faster than you, but I can't grow a finger; I'm not Wolverine.
Caleb: Who's Wolverine?

Kyle: We should tell these people about the honey before it turns the entire flock into a bunch of raving maniacs.
Peter: If we go wide with this it could create a panic.
Kyle: Are we on the same island? I just got stoned by a bunch of kids. And someone just stabbed Sarah. We're so far past panic, it would take the light from panic a hundred years to reach us.