Scream Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Hello, Emma

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It turns out stretching things out isn't such a bad thing.

On Scream Season 1 Episode 2 we got to know these characters much more in depth and it worked. I'll admit that I had reservations about Noah's comments that TV has to stretch things out.

I thought it meant we would get a lot of filler this week, but I was wrong. 

Emma, who was a bit of a damp squib on Scream Season 1 Episode 1 grew on me considerably this week. She really is the Sidney Prescott in all of this.

She has a lot on her plate at the moment and the last thing she needed was for Rachel to be killed. It's understandable that she feels somewhat responsible, but to be honest, she wasn't the one holding the camera. Nina chose to do it and Emma was obviously to scared to say no to Nina. 

Who would say no to Nina? It would be social suicide. I get where Audrey is coming from, but she's got to stop and think for a minute. Emma's suffered enough and could really do with a friend at the moment.

Audrey was venting for much of the hour, but my heart sank for her when she found out that Rachel was dead. I have a little problem with the way she handled it. Surely her first thought would be to run as far as she can from school, not run out into the hall. 

Will and Jake continued to raise suspicions, but we all know that this is just fodder at this stage. The show will lay the ground work for the killer reveal, but these two are just plain dumb. It was obvious that Will tricked Emma into forgiving him and I was ecstatic that Kieran planted that seed of doubt in Emma's mind. She deserves much better than Will, but Kieran still seems a little sketchy. 

My judgement may be clouded because he's the new kid in town so it has me wondering what his true intentions are. The fact that he is trying to romance Emma, while there is a burgeoning romance between her mother and his father is also a little weird. 

The concluding scene with Emma being tormented by the killer was excellent. She had some witty come backs for him, but I wish would have known that he was the same dude she spoke to at the conclusion of the premiere. The voice wasn't all that different. 10 stupid points for Emma. 

Considering what the tormentor was saying to Emma, I think it might turn out that Emma is Brandon James' daughter. There's a lot Maggies' story we still need to find out, so it wouldn't surprise me if this rings true. The show has managed to build a story that can span a longer arc than ten episodes, so hopefully it doesn't get cut short. 

I'm really enjoying Noah and Riley together. Sure, it's a little weird that the reason Riley finds him so attractive is because of his love of serial killers, but it's good to see him getting some recognition. I don't think Audrey's going to be wanting to hang out any time soon, so good for him. Did anyone else laugh out loud when Riley gave him a fright and he called her a ninja? 

Noah: You're like a ninja.
Riley: That's racist.

"Hello, Emma" improved on the series premiere in a lot of ways. It proved to me that the show can sustain it's current formula without getting boring. They really managed to keep the slasher aspect, but going forward, there needs to be a little more blood.

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • The killer sharing the video hovering over Nina's body was sick, but Noah was right in his assessment that everything is shared these days. If I could hunt him down to find out who the killer is, I would. This guy no doubt has it all figured out. 
  • Brooke continued to be an intriguing character, but her hot for teacher storyline has been done to death. With any luck her teacher will bite the dust soon. 
  • The killer has quite obviously taken a few tips from A on Pretty Little Liars. Either that, or they watch it.

Remember you can watch Scream online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the stabs to date.

What did you think of the episode? Any guesses about the killer? Should Emma ditch Will? Hit the comments!

Note: Scream Season 1 Episode 3 airs Tuesday July 14 at 10/9c on MTV.

Hello, Emma Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Scream Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

If I can't trust you, I can't be with you.


Maggie: What if the call is that Rachel Murray was murdered?
Clarke: Then things just got a lot more complicated.