Stitchers Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Finally

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Never ask Cameron to come up with a safe word.

Based on the previews for Stitchers Season 1 Episode 6, you would have thought we were diving right into Kirsten's mind, but alas, it wasn't true. We did get one flashback to Kirsten as a child which may have shown she was a guinea pig for the stitcher program.

I'm actually happy they didn't go through all of Kirsten's memories, because I want to see them slowly come back to her this season. It would have been such a cop-out to have Kirsten remember everything – little tidbits here and there are perfectly fine.

Kirsten wishing Marta was still alive is basically how I feel. It's a shame she was killed off so quickly. I have a feeling, even with Marta's death, her presence will still be felt. You can't blame Kirsten for wanting more answers and having a lot of doubt when it comes to the stitchers program.

You have to give Camille credit for trying to get Kirsten to open up. I find myself looking forward to the scenes between Camille and Kirsten every week – they never disappoint.

Kirsten: What are you doing in my bed?
Camille: What are you doing with a Walkman?

It was difficult listening to Maggie's attempt at being sympathetic. While I imagine she feels bad to some degree, she's one of the reasons Marta is dead. I can't begin to imagine what Kirsten is going to do when she finds out Maggie have been lying to everyone. Salli Richardson is doing a bang up job of playing a woman who's keep a lot of secrets.

Speaking of the stitchers program, it's amazing how no one except Kirsten questions the validity of the program's motto. Kirsten is the only one who has tried to get answers out of people and figure out the truth. Many may say Kirsten is being too nosy and needs to stop digging around, but to me, she's not taking things at face value. 

Who else had deja vu when Kirsten was stitched into Danielle and saw the office she worked in? It was almost like seeing a more modern stitchers laboratory. I can't say I was surprised when Maggie had her own set of rules for Kirsten taking part in the brain experiment. I wish Cameron would see through Maggie's deception the way Kirsten has.

The team's response to Kirsten making up the entire story about her past was pretty comical. Of course Kirsten was going to make something up, she knew they were listening, and she needed to get answers. When Kirsten was talking about the accident with her mom, I couldn't help but hope we get more information on said accident – Kirsten is still very much a closed book.

Oh Kirsten! Why would you tell George everything you were looking into? You just knew both men were in on the murder of Danielle. You also have wonder how Linus, Cameron and Camille were able to get past security so quickly. At least they were able to give Danielle's sister some closure and Kirsten opened up to Cameron about what she saw while in the machine.

Kirsten: [to Cameron] Thank you.
Cameron: For what?
Kirsten: For not being a nobody.

Les Turner is officially one of the creepiest characters on TV. I really don't know how Kirsten could stand there without punching him in his creepy face. I know a lot of people think he's Kirsten's father, but I'm really hoping it doesn't turn out to be true; though it would make for an interesting twist. I've always figured the guy calling all the shots would be the person who turns out to be Kirsten's father.  

In the end, Kirsten learned Ed didn't commit suicide and was killed because he was protecting Kirsten. Linus figured out the digital codes Ed left Kirsten, which led her directly to her mom's tomb. At the tomb, Kirsten, after touching her mom's picture, found a key hidden inside. Does anyone else think Kirsten's mom could possibly still be alive? It would be crazy to have her mom be the one behind the entire stitchers program.

I'm really enjoying how they are fleshing out Kirsten's character each week. I don't see Kirsten ever being like the other characters, but she's slowly accepting her emotions and wants to learn more about herself. 

What did you think of, "Finally"? Who do you think is the person controlling the whole stitchers program? Who else is ready for Kirsten and Cameron to finally get together?

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch Stitchers online now via TV Fanatic and make sure you come back to let us know what you think in the comments below.

Finally Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Stitchers Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Linus: Is there a problem?
Kirsten: No, I'm just having a hard time understanding something.
Linus: You've come to Dr. Linus for advice. Well, I'm flattered.
Kirsten: Cameron's busy.
Linus: Oh.

Kirsten: What are you doing in my bed?
Camille: What are you doing with a Walkman?