Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 11 Review: That Text Was Not Meant For Josh!

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You ruined everything, you stupid bitch.

Rebecca’s crazy tendencies have finally caught up with her in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 11 and in a completely heartbreaking turn of events, it looks as though the crazy ex-girlfriend has lost having both Josh and Greg in her life.

On the flip side, Rebecca’s crazy saved Paula’s marriage, which was really the highlight of an hour full of peaks and valleys.

So, let’s just slow down. SLOW DOWN. Like really slow, slow down, and get into the darkest episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend to date.

It’s a textmergency!


For the record, I prefer textastrophe to textmergency.

The premise of this episode was something out of a sitcom; Rebecca accidentally sent a text message meant for Paula about her love for Josh Chan to the Chan Man himself.

It’s pretty basic stuff, which actually disappointed me a bit. I’ve come to have high standards for the writing on this show, so a storyline trope that could have easily appeared on any half hour with a laugh track irked me at first.

However, the writers took this basic story and used it to highlight the complexity of Rebecca’s lies when there was a simple solution all along.

Becks could easily have just left it alone.

Josh is somewhat aware of Rebecca’s feelings for him and while a simple explanation would have been far more embarrassing at the moment, the long term effects may have actually worked in her favor in terms of opening a dialogue about their feelings for one another.

You ruined everything you stupid bitch. You ruined everything you stupid, stupid bitch. You’re just a lying little bitch who ruins things and wants the world to burn. Bitch. You’re a stupid bitch. And lose some weight.


But Rebecca wouldn’t be a stupid self-loathing bitch if she didn’t ruin her own life.

I don’t know what’s more insulting to Josh here; Rebecca’s assumption that he was too stupid to figure out her lies, or her lack in faith of him to understand what happened in the first place.

Josh has unfailingly stood by Rebecca’s side each time her schemes have come into question. Why would she think this time would be any different?

Making matters worse, Rebecca has been awful and unfair to Greg. She’s no stranger to his feelings for her. She’s spent the greater part of the first half of the season stringing him along, and she’s always disappointed him.

Yet Greg keeps coming back. Even with his girlfriend living next door, he still wanders through Rebecca’s back yard, hoping that someday she’ll settle on him when her dreams of Josh don’t come true.

Greg: I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself. There are other ways to get out of this building, but I walked by your patio…
Rebecca: Please Greg; I just want someone to be here with me
Greg: Right. Someone. That’s the problem.

I’m glad to see Greg stand up for himself for a change, and leave Rebecca to clean up her own messes. She needs to start taking some responsibility for her actions.

Every episode this season has featured one of Rebecca’s schemes in order to get close to Josh Chan and whenever she’s caught, she always manages to talk herself out of it.

This time though, nothing Rebecca could say would erase every scattered crazy puzzle piece that Josh Chan was smart enough to put together, or sweep everything up neatly with Greg.

It’s a dark twist for this comedy.

It also leads to a chance for Rachel Bloom to showcase her phenomenal singing voice when Rebecca finally steps back in for a song about her mental state that’s filled with funny quips, but also highlights the bigger problem at hand for Rebecca.

She ruins things on purpose. She’s the problem in her own life. She knows it, but can’t seem to bring herself to fix it.

While Rebecca can’t fix a damn thing about herself, she unknowingly plays a huge role in fixing things for Paula and her husband, Scott.

Viewers may recall Paula’s near affair in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 7 and her expression of unhappiness about the state of her marriage.

She and Scott decided to try counseling at the hands of Father Brah, who encourages them to reconnect over a meal.

When Rebecca calls Paula to help clean up her mess (Paula’s much more willing than Greg,) she immediately springs into action…with Scott in tow.

Paula: I don’t want another man. I mean, the only thing I’ve been cheating on you with is Rebecca’s love life. She’s so in love and it’s been so intoxicating to witness it in its purest form. I’m addicted.
Scott: Who’s she in love with?
Paula: You really wanna know?
Scott: Yes I do and we’ve got nothing but time right.
Paula: Okay, well what happened was she was working hard at a New York job making dough, but it made her blue…

I loved watching Paula and Scott rekindle their love over shenanigans for Rebecca. They worked together, communicated, and were honest with one another. The results reestablished them as a strong couple.

Who else loved the scene where Paula and Scott explained the premise of the show using the theme song? I was afraid it was going on for too long until that title card popped up. It was all worth it at that point.

While Rebecca’s, “You Stupid Bitch” was a standout musically, I have to take a moment to express some concern over where the musical aspect of this show is going.

One of the things I love most about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is that it’s a musical at its core. That being said, I wondered initially how the writers would keep up the pace of writing 2-3 quality numbers each week. It seemed like an impossible task.

For the most part, we saw nothing but excellence in terms of music for 7 episodes. But in recent weeks, we’ve not really had music numbers featuring Rebecca, Greg, Josh, or Paula, most of which are portrayed by trained musical veterans.

I worry that, moving forward, the quality of the music will decrease.

Hopefully, these past few episodes aren’t indicative of what’s ahead in the back half of the season.

What did you think of this darker episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? Is Rebecca a stupid bitch? Has she ruined everything? Share your thoughts below!

Missed a moment of the action? Fear not! You can watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend online right here at TV Fanatic!

That Text Was Not Meant For Josh! Review

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Paula: I don’t want another man. I mean, the only thing I’ve been cheating on you with is Rebecca’s love life. She’s so in love and it’s been so intoxicating to witness it in its purest form. I’m addicted.
Scott: Who’s she in love with?
Paula: You really wanna know?
Scott: Yes I do and we’ve got nothing but time right.
Paula: Okay, well what happened was she was working hard at a New York job making dough, but it made her blue…

You’re blowing up on social media Father Brah! We all love your Instagram and how you tag everything #hashtagblessed.
