Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 15 Review: The Brothers Jones

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Is the Underworld ever going to be anything other than red?

On Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 15, Killian came face-to-face with his brother Liam, and it led to fireworks for Emma and Hook. 

The couple barely had a minute to reunite before the next thing popped up in their way that needed to be resolved. That obstacle was Liam, and he wasn't the greatest character the show has ever had. 

Toasting His Brother - Once Upon a Time

In fact, he was pretty lame. All of his scenes with Emma seemed like something you'd find in a daytime soap. Considering this show isn't meant to be a soap, that was one of my main issues. Aside from that, he was one dimensional and pretty much only present to drive a wedge between Hook and Emma. 

Considering he crossed over to the other side at the conclusion of the hour, the chances of seeing him again are slim to none. Unless of course we see him in the Enchanted Forest, but let's just keep our fingers and toes crossed it doesn't come to that. 

It was very silly of Hook to side with his brother. It wasn't like Emma traveled to the underworld to save him or anything. She's putting her life on the line, and he should have realized that sooner. 

As you would probably have expected, Liam was doing something for Hades. Yes, good old Hades is hiding something, and it's got to do with Zelena. Remember her? The green witch who was once a villain and then became as boring as a bit of furniture? 

I don't know what the frak the secret was that Liam was chattering on about, but I'm somewhat intrigued to find out what it is. Could he be the real father of her kid? That would be a little too predictable for this show. 

If she is returning, they better give her some decent material to work with. All these character returns are horrible without a decent storyline to back it up.

Then you have Cruelle screwing David's twin brother. Yikes, can we just name it The Magical & The Restless already?

For what it's worth, Cruella's interactions with Henry were great, but it paved the way for the return of the author storyline which was never a great one to begin with. I'd love if the characters woke up in Storybrooke and realized that the whole Hades thing was a nightmare because it just isn't interesting. 

Obviously Henry's intentions were good when he was working with Cruella, but then again, he's probably easier swayed than most, so he needs to keep a handle on who the bad guys are. Maybe Henry can write some originality back into the show before it loses its audience for good. 

Right now there's a lot at stake for the characters. The group may think they've got one over on Hades, but he's one of those villains that is going to be one step ahead of everyone else every step of the way.

Sort of similar to the way Rumple acts. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rumple stay behind and rule the underworld. He does love to be the puppet master and all, so it could work!

"The Brothers Jones" wasn't a great installment of this fantasy drama. It seems the show is suffering from an identity crisis and it can't decide which genre to stick with. It needs to stick with one and move on from this dreadful storyline and get back to the solid storytelling from earlier seasons. 

Remember you can watch Once Upon a Time online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now. 

What did you think of the episode? What storyline would you cut to improve the show? Chat with me in the comments!

The Brothers Jones Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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