Scandal Season 5 Episode 16 Review: The Miseducation Of Susan Ross

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Did Olivia go too far?

On Scandal Season 5 Episode 16 she went after after a former flame of Susan's, and her actions lead to the dude taking his own life. 

At the best of times, Olivia Pope is a hard ass who excels in getting results. That's why she's so popular in her field of work. This time she went too far.

I totally get that there is an election going on, so the aim of the game is to make the other person look terrible in the eyes of the public. 

Susan has been a thrilling character, and it's evident the woman doesn't have a bad bone in her body, but I'm a little surprised she remains in the running for election. She seems to flake on things a little too easily. She's coming across as a great woman to America purely because the current President is pushing her to her limit. It's too much. 

Just look at that debate. She barely said a few words until that big speech at the end. It's either down to a lack of confidence, or she's just nervous, but if the potential President has a lack of confidence in herself, then why should America have any in her? 

As always, Susan was great when she was saying it how it is. I'm glad that she and David are together for now, but it's probably only a business arrangement until their splitting up can be spun into good news. David should consider himself lucky that she's got both of their best interests in mind because he doesn't deserve her. 

It's not very often that the intel Olivia Pope hands out is a bust, but you can thank Cyrus for one upping her. She didn't take it too well, and that was to be expected, but Vargas won't be letting her away with it any time soon. It cost him some brownie points with his brother, and he's going to fight tooth and nail to get revenge on her. 

I guess that's what inevitably pushed her to go crazy on Susan's baby daddy. You know something isn't right when not even Huck is agreeing with it. Quinn going to Abby was needed, but I'm surprised Abby didn't use it to take Olivia and Mellie out of the equation at the election.

These characters will do anything to get one step ahead of the game, even if that means taking one another out. 

I was so sure there going to be some sort of intervention for Liv when she walked in on Quinn and Abby, but instead she got a shock meeting with Fitz, who didn't beat around the bush about what she's doing wrong.

These two need to stay apart romantically for the time being. They've been through too much this season for us to even think about them rekindling their romance. It's best that they stay on opposing sides because it's clear they'll relish when the election is over and one of them potentially wins.

As it stands, I'd say Mellie's chances of winning are getting slimmer all the time. She can't seem to catch a break because of the way she acted in the past. No matter how she can make a crowd of people laugh, it doesn't appear that she intrigues anyone enough to listen to the particulars of electing her. 

"The Miseducation Of Susan Ross" was a solid episode that set things in motion for a wild ride on Scandal Season 5 Episode 17. The teasers at the close promised that it's going to be the biggest twist yet, so consider my interest piqued. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • The scene with Edision going crazy at Papa Pope was hilarious. Jake just sat there eating chicken and observing what was going on before his eyes. 
  • The hate tweets were hilarious. It was difficult to tell whether Mellie was laughing or crying. 
  • Will David really be able to stay away from Liz, or is he all talk?
  • What will Vargas cook up to oust Cyrus?

What did you think of the episode? What was your favorite moment? Is there any hope for Mellie? Chat with me in the comments!

Remember you can watch Scandal online right here on TV Fanatic to get caught up!

The Miseducation Of Susan Ross Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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